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reported annually regarding unique eco-systems. He suggested the <br /> possibility of future regulations intended to protect the unique <br /> eco-:9ystems Located within the Town. <br /> 7 :20-john Martin, for determination, applicability, and <br /> construction of addition to an existing dwelling; garage and an <br /> area of existing concrete slab and minor finish grading with loam <br /> and seed or inulch at 67 Redwood Circle, Assessor' s Map 27 Block <br /> . The Chairman called this matter to order and recognized <br /> Edward E. Kelly, Registered Land Surveyor. <br /> Mr. Kelly explained the Applicant is requesting approval for <br /> a sizeable a.ddition to the existing dwelling. <br /> At this point Mr. Sherman interjected requesting Applicant <br /> revise the plan to indicate the proposed locations of drywells. <br /> His concern being the proximity of roof runoff to a slope area. <br /> Mr.. Sher tan also inquired as to the number of bedrooms being <br /> proposed, .as the Assessor' s office describes the property as two <br /> 2 bedrooms. lir. Kelly stated the Applicant is proposing the <br /> addition of one l bedroom, which would transform the property <br /> to a three bedroom dwelling. Mr. Kelly stated this proposal <br /> is in compliance with the hoard of Health. <br /> References were being made to plans at this point, with Mr. <br /> Charles Pal t sios, Building contractor for John Martin, stating <br /> the addition indicates an enlargement to the foyer, addition to <br /> sunroom area, a family room, study and master bedroom suite. <br /> 1r. Sherman requested language be included with reference t <br /> the requirement of an inspection relating to the neer of <br /> bedrooms. He also noted that a portion of the addition will <br /> disturb a hill area, which will require a great amount of <br /> excavation. <br /> There was some discussion regarding elevations and rises, <br /> with Mr. Sherman inquiring if it will be necessary to reconfigure <br /> any contours or construct retaining walls of any kind. Mr. <br /> . <br /> Pal.tsios replied, "No" , gain, references were being made to the <br /> plan, with Mr. Paltsios stating construction would be rising with <br /> the land, rather than removing land. <br /> Mr. Sherman noted there appears to be no evidence of <br /> existing erosion, However, he suggested that precautionary <br /> measures should be taken to include roof drains around the neer <br /> addition and the sides, to which Mr. Paltsios agreed. <br /> Mr. Sherman clarified to the Contractor/Applicant that <br /> should it be determined during construction that a. retaining gall <br /> is necessary, Applicant is required to appear before the <br /> onunission. He then recommended a negative determination be made <br /> pending the addition of woof drains and inspection language. <br />