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30 March 2000 <br /> Page 5. <br /> VOTE: Motion made and seconded to find negative 2. Unanimous Vote. <br /> NEGATIVE DETERMINATION. <br /> 7:50 PRIME HOMES to construct a single family dwelling, garage, deck, <br /> paved driveway, Title V septic system and utility services at 12 Wintergreen <br /> Road. John Slavinsky provided abutter. notification receipts. A three <br /> bedroom house is proposed, 50 feet from the wetland. A siltation fence will be <br /> placed at the work limit. The wetland is a drainage easement. The entire <br /> plan is based on dealing with an Isolated Wetland. <br /> Mr. Sherman stated under the bylaw it is a fresh water wetland. He stated <br /> there are some very impressive blueberry bushes. Under the regs, it is a <br /> vernal pool. The performance standards call for 100 foot protection around it. <br /> With this plan, he would have to recommend denial. <br /> Mr. Slavinsky stated 100' would go through the septic tank. He asked if the <br /> vernal pool was certified? It is not. He asked if it is in the process of <br /> becoming certified? It is. <br /> Mr. Sherman stated it is clearly fresh water wetland plants. It does not <br /> qualify under State regs as it does not have '/ acre foot. <br /> Mr. Slavinsky stated because knowledge of the vernal pool is 24 hours old, he <br /> would like to request a continuance. Mr. Sherman was not opposed. <br /> Ms Boretos asked how they could put a house outside the 100"? <br /> Mr. Ellis asked, if they came before us in January when there would be no <br /> wood frog chorus, where would they stand? Ms Boretos stated there would <br /> be facultative species. During winter-time, those species would be present <br /> and could be identified. <br /> Public comment: none. <br /> VOTE: Motion made and seconded to continue the hearing to 27 April 2000 <br /> at 7:10 p.m. at the request of the applicant. Unanimous Vote. <br /> HEARING CONTINUED. <br />