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October 2000 <br /> Page 2. <br /> VOTE: Motion made and seconded to continue the hearing to 19 October 2000 at the request <br /> of the applicant. Unanimous Vote. <br /> HEARING CONTINUED, <br /> 7:15 LANCASTER REALTY LTC TRU T to re-open the Notice of Intent Hearing for DEP file# E 43- <br /> 1937 to consider a revised plan for 7 Aunt Jane's Road. - Bob Perry represented the applicant. He <br /> i gave the background on this filing. The Notice was previously denied. A superseding order was <br /> requested which resulted in an on-site. He met with Ms Boretos and Mr. Sherman and a positive <br /> discussion resulted in moving the building back and down into the corner of the property and <br /> relinquishing two-thirds of the property under a proposed Conservation restriction. Also, they <br /> have agreed to put in conifer plantings along the work liY it to provide a natural barrier between <br /> the wildlife habitat and the developed area following construction. <br /> VOTE: Motion made and seconded to re- pen the hearing for Lancaster Realty Trust. <br /> Unanimous Note. <br /> Mr. Rosenberg asked if it is 30" to the coastal Bank? Mr.Sherman stated it is 75" to the wetland. <br /> The Chair asked to see the original proposal as this was cause for great concern. <br /> Is Boretos stated, although they have not met the setback minimum, this is a significant plus in <br /> terms of habitat protection. <br /> The Chair asked what will the restriction 'include? Ms Boretos stated no alteration and n <br /> building and this would travel with the deed in perpetuity. Mr. Fitzsimmons was pleased with <br /> this idea. <br /> Publiccomment:none. <br /> VOTE: Motion made and seconded to close the hearing and issue. Unanimous-Vote. <br /> HEARING ING CLOSED. <br /> 7:20 MASHPEE DEPT, of PUBLIC WORKS to amend and extend the Order of Conditions for <br /> E -1611 to continue the beach nourishment program at South Cape Beach,Great Oak Road. <br /> Norman Hayes presenting. They are requesting to amend to allow beach raking. They are <br /> currently nourishing. <br /> Is Boretos asked if Natural Heritage has been heard from, as this is a significant feeding source <br /> for piping Plovers. Mr. Talbot asked if for nesting? She stated no, for feeding. Mr. Hayes <br /> advised they have been notified. <br /> Mr. Hayes stated it could be conditioned when it can be done and that the seaward limit of the <br /> raking would be the extreme high water line. <br /> Public comment:none. <br />