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Mr. Green said the Wetlands Protection Act cannot be overridden by a Town meeting <br /> act. It requires an act of the hoard of Selectmen, the legislature and a Town meeting. <br /> Bob said it's the Conservation Commission, a Town meeting and the legislature. <br /> Elliot said that without the written permission of the Conservation Commission, there is <br /> no sense in having a petition. <br /> Mr. Green said the three options on the table are 1 the spit, which is not a viable <br /> option, 2 okv ay Bay, which is now looking better because sheet piling can give therm <br /> more volume, and 3 the conservation land. None of these options have been formally <br /> proposed. <br /> Jack said this was very interesting but it has nothing to do with business of the <br /> Conservation Commission. He thanked Mr. Green for his help. <br /> Nora-Hearing Anda <br /> Old Business: <br /> 1. Coo, 56 vlakeby [load_ Bob said the new plan doesn't quite adhere to the original <br /> plan which vire had approved, but the property was about to erode and the new plan <br /> was a good one, so Bob told them to do it. It's not an engineered plan, but Russ <br /> Wheeler was happy with it. They installed a reinforced concrete retaining wall, they've <br /> roved the work limit back, and they put in tiered smeller galls and wood chips to <br /> stabilize the slope. Bob recommended approval, and we will write on the COC that any <br /> new landscaping will require a neve application. <br /> 2. Bob and Elliot will discuss procedure/citations for special conditions under Chapter <br /> 172. <br /> 3. Conservation land at Whlpporwill Circle. Bob said that he has a report that a <br /> neighbor has rade an encroachment on this land. He can't verify this without having <br /> some survey work done. Also, someone has put up a no trespassing sign on this land <br /> and Bob would like to issue an order to take it down. <br /> Motion rade, seconded and unanimously carried to authorize the Agent to remove the <br /> no trespassing sign and investigate the encroachment on the conservation land. <br /> . Mashpee Multi-Hazard Community Planning team. Bob said he has agreed to serge <br /> on this tear and he asked if someone would volunteer to be an alternate. Elliot <br /> volunteered. <br />