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or health Lazard. It never truly said that. If it had said that, then the Board would have had the <br /> right to set a faster time line for repair. And all that is spelled out in Tithe V. So yes, there may <br /> have been a couple of mistakes when the order letter was written and that is essentially the <br /> argument they are hanging their hat on. <br /> Glean Santos: Well, one of the things that Pat said, and again we are getting into the legal <br /> mumbo jumbo, but Pat said the intention of that letter, no matter how it was written,was to cease <br /> the bubbling crude basically, and get the system repaired. And then he countered with his legal <br /> mumbo jumbo language as how he was going to account in court, but Part felt comfortable that we <br /> were on firm ground and that if they so choose to go to court,then lets see therm in court. But the <br /> question is how we proceed after Monday. You know how I feel, I'd just shut them down again. <br /> I'd love it. We'll wait until Fourth of.tiny weekend again like we did last time. <br /> Lucy Burton: But if that's just going to damage us further, thea that doesn't make any sense. <br /> LewisMantel:antel: Did you say that there a verbal agreement for$10,000? <br /> Glenn Santos: No, they sat there because that woman n lawyer was there far Mobil and then they <br /> Fired this other guy to represent Exxon Mobil and basically he told Pat that they were authorized <br /> $10,000 and if it was anything; more than that thea they wouId have to go back to the company or <br /> whatever. But again, is that true or just what they were trying to thaw out to u . But even still, if <br /> they were authorized to go to$10,000,why didn't they go to$10,000, why did they thaw out the <br /> $8,750?50? Vile went hack and forth: they went outside, they carne back in and we talked a little bit <br /> and vire went outside, so they had plenty of opportunity to pick up the phone and say listen we're <br /> close, lets give them the$15,000 and be done with it. <br /> Lewis Mantel: You have accomplished what you set out to do. The stuff has been repaired. <br /> You've accomplished what the goal was, you are there. The food store is operating according to <br /> code, brand new store, fully upgraded. To me one of the goals of this organization is not to be <br /> punitive but to get things done. I know there are a lot of hard feelings, because it reminds rye of <br /> Deer Crossings. I feel that— <br /> Lucy Burton: Take the 'Honey and run. <br /> Lewis Mantel: I think so. I mean, lessons have been learned about how to proceed the next time <br /> this happens about how to word things a lige more carefully. so its lessons learned all around. <br /> Lucy Burton: So should we Mold out for at least$15,000? <br /> LewisMantel: I'd take what you know they are going to give you, which is$10,000, close the <br /> book on the issue and walk away. To me, the Board of Health has accomplished ghat It has set <br /> out to d . <br /> Lucy Burton: It just goes into the general fund anyway, right? ft's not like we're getting any of it. <br /> Glenn Santos: Unless we warted to say we wanted to pay for something. We could tell them <br /> that, that's what we wanted it for. <br /> Lewis Mantel: You've accomplished what you set out to do. You have corrected a bad situation. <br /> Glenn Santos: Oh, I know. And that's one of the reasons why we went down to the$15,000. I <br /> know what you are saying, but if you could appreciate the meetings we have had here when they <br /> just, and I am not holding a grudge, because believe me I'm one of these people that says that's <br /> water under the bridge. <br /> 3 <br />