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4/8/2010 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
4/8/2010 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
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• The annual recertification process will start in the next month for Asher's Path residents. This will <br /> continue on through the end of August. <br /> Just a reminder that I will be in Minneapolis for my annual Spectrum LIHTC training during the <br /> first week in May. <br /> • I am still in the process of updating the Mashpee Housing Authority brochure. It's kind of taken a <br /> back burner with all the Breezy Acres things going on. <br /> OLD BUSINESS: <br /> Breezy Acres Expansion-update: Mrs. Botsford reported that she went to the selectmen's meeting Monday <br /> night with representatives from HAC to request approval for a minor change to the deed. The deed <br /> currently reads that the lard will be for"public housing'{. Although the housing we are proposing is <br /> affordable, it is not considered"public". Selectmen agreed to the charge if we can get permission from <br /> DHCD to change it, as there was an agreement signed before Breezy Acres was built that was tied into <br /> the funding for that project. She had a conference call with HAC and DHCD and they know time is of the <br /> essence on this so their council is working on it. She just this afternoon got an email from DHCD that <br /> looks life things will go ahead smoothly. Mrs. Botsford forwarded that email to Joyce Mason to see if <br /> what DHCD said was acceptable to the Selectmen. We cannot rove ahead without the change to the <br /> deed. <br /> We need about 1 1 acres more land in order for the septic system to work properly for the number of <br /> knits vire are planning on the property, so we are seeking a septic easement. This item was also <br /> discussed at the selectmen's meeting Monday night . Unfortunately, this item would have to go to town <br /> meeting vote and the next town meeting we can get on the warrant for is October. This puts a little <br /> glitch in the process, but HAC is moving forward with everything else. <br /> HAC will be trying to get before the ZBA as soon as possible so that hopefully we can stay on schedule <br /> with things. <br /> Mrs. Botsford asked if the board wants HAC at the next board meeting for an update from therm.- It was <br /> decided to ask HAC to come to the June meeting to give an update. <br /> NEW BUSINESS: <br /> Outdoor gill PoliQt update: A draft of a proposed update to the gill Policy was mailed to the board. Mrs. <br /> Botsford also provided the board members with DHCD's recommendation not to allover grills at housing <br /> authority properties. Mrs. Botsford Mated that she wanted the board to have all available input before <br /> making ing a decision and that she hoped to have a policy that would encompass all of the properties MHA <br /> manages. A discussion ensued with some recommended changes and additions and a notion was <br /> made by Ir. Harsh and seconded by Nor* Shacltt to adopt the updated outdoor gill Policy <br /> as discussed. The motion was adopted. <br /> Maintenance Charges Poligy update: A draft of a proposed update to the Maintenance Charges policy was <br /> mailed to the board. Mrs. Botsford stated that she would prefer to have the policy for lock outs changed <br /> to coincide with ghat is currently in place at her's earth .00 per lock out . A short discussion <br /> ensued and a motion was made by Mr. Shacl ett and seconded by Mr. Marsch to adopt the <br /> updated Maintenance Charges Policy as drafted. The motion was adopted. <br /> OTHER BUSINESS: <br /> CPA (Communitv Preservation Act updatelReport from liaison: No report. <br /> Mrs. Botsford asked the chair to bring up two items. She asked the board ghat their opinion would be for <br /> allowing outdoor furniture at Asher"s Paths A resident has approached her about purchasing two sets of <br /> tables, chairs, and umbrellas for residents to use, A discussion ensued and the main concern was around <br /> storage in the off-season. Mrs. Botsford is going to consult with other Executive Directors in BHADO to <br /> see what other agencies do and then report back to the board. <br /> � _ <br />
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