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HISTORICAL COMMISSION <br /> 3/19/97 <br /> PAGE <br /> lv NEW BUSINESS: F <br /> A. Fetter regarding Museum and National Historic Register: Rosemary Burns <br /> explained that Bob whritenour had approached Joanne a few weeks ago, <br /> asking if the Mashpee H. C. would write a letter supporting the ap- <br /> plication of having the museum placed on the National Register of His- <br /> toric Places. Joanne spoke to the commissioners who were present. <br /> Rosemary's first reaction was, how- can this very important event in <br /> Mashpee be happening., and the Mashpee H. C. has not been informed- about <br /> it <br /> The very next day, a piece of correspondence that had come from the <br /> .Mass, Historical. Commission was seat to- Joanne, ur chairman. <br /> Rosemary Burns called Sarah Kor of f, Preservation Planner for the <br /> Cape Cod Commission, who is noted as having made the presentation to <br /> Mass. Historical. Commission. Rosemary Burns reported to her, her per- <br /> sonal dismay that anything of this great importance, historically, in <br /> Mashpee bypassed the Mashpee Historical. Commission. <br /> Sara Korj eff apologized. She stated that she had been asked by the <br /> Tribal. Council to quickly get an Information Form B which would place <br /> it on the Mass. Historical calendar. <br /> After a conversation with Michael, Steinitz.;,' Survey Director of the Mass. <br /> Historical. Commission, he stated .that the "tribal Council was applying <br /> for some grants., and that obviously, it would look good in their ap- <br /> plication, if these were projects in the works. <br /> R. Burns felt that it was a productive telephone conversation. What <br /> she casae away with,- she felt that the H. C. should write a letter, <br /> stating that they supported making application for both of the buildings; <br /> that they are significant to Ma hpee's history. In that letter, they <br /> could also reiterate that they hoped to be- included completely. <br /> The Histori al Commission will ask Joanne Ferragamo to write a letter <br /> in support of those buildings. .Joe Connolly suggested that a . eperate <br /> paragraph indicate that they were looking forward to the complete Par- <br /> ticipation of the Mashpee Historical Commisdion in all future endeavors <br /> to include Mashpee buildings on the National Register; that all actions <br /> applied for and taken should come through the Mashpee H. C. , as mandated <br /> by the Mashpee By-Laws. <br /> Copies of this letter should be sent to: <br /> Bob Whritenour <br /> Jim Peters <br /> Michael S t eini t <br /> Sara Kori of f <br /> Curtis Frye <br /> motion was introduced by Frank Hicks that the M. . C. write a letter <br /> to the Mass, Historical Coi fission stating that the Mashpee H. C. would <br /> like to see the Meeting-house and the Museum Building appy for an ap- <br /> plication to be placed on the National Register of Historic Places, <br /> Gordon Peters seconded. All in favor. So moved. <br />