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MA HPE HISTORICAL COMMISSION <br /> 10/20/97 <br /> PAGE TWO <br /> III p. PORTS: Continued . <br /> Heritage Cape Cod (Cont#d)_ : Ann explained they have changed the make-up <br /> of Heritage C C. They have 21 directors at Large and .Joanne Ferragamo <br /> has been appointed as one of the directors. <br /> jim suggested that for Heritage C. C. Week 1998, the historical commission <br /> retain our photo display. We have enough photos we could rearrange then <br /> and sponsor a photo exhibit. It was agreed that the H. C. could present <br /> an open-house- Sunday from 1:- to -4:00 p. m. andretain the -exhibit <br /> throughout the summer months, then just promote it as an open house, <br /> fitting in with the theme, "occupations ions -and trades". <br /> D. Jana Gardner from Tales of Cape Cod in Barnstable was looking for someone <br /> to present a program. Joanne has agreed to do. a presentation of her slide <br /> show, the theme, "Fishing along the I a hpee River." This has been scheduled <br /> to be presented Tuesday, November 1. , 1997 -at' 7:00 p. m. There will be a <br /> free dinner for the membership, <br /> IST OLD sl : <br /> A. Membership. Renewal: <br /> 1. The renewal. of Bay State Historical $30.00. .It was agreed that should <br /> be renewed. <br /> 2. National. Museum of the American Indian; :$20.00. It was agreed that <br /> should be renewed. <br /> Ca=ission Procedures: .Joanne will continue to work on that. <br /> Ansi stated that she had spoken with .Jane LaBute relative to advertising <br /> for the two open volunteer Positions on the historical commission. This <br /> was still being run on Chanel. 20. .Jane will continue to look for two <br /> candidates for the openings. <br /> Gordon Peters: Joanne will draft a letter to Gordon Peters stating <br /> that they miss hire. <br /> Paul iambarba: Joanne stated that she had received a message fors Paul <br /> iambarba stating that he was not going to 'pu sue serving on the commission. <br /> Rosemary gathered that he would 1.'ke to work as volunteer. What h would <br /> like to do was help with the computer. He wuld do anything as far as graffics <br /> were concerned. <br /> Joanne Ferragamo: Joanne advised that she presently had afull-time job, <br /> therefore, her time was limited. - She was available only on Mondays. She <br /> would not be able to fill the Saturday schedule. if that became a concern <br /> as far as -her .serving her term as the chairperson, that can be discussed, <br /> and perhaps somebody else can take over the chair. <br /> Discussion of how various ratters should be addressed and handled in the <br /> absence of the chairperson. <br />