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4/10/1997 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
4/10/1997 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
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1. Management Plan-.should be available and complete as of the evaluation date. <br /> 2. Tribal Council--continuing contact with Jim Peters, Executive Director. Also a resident <br /> who is Wampanoag and active with the Tribal Council has indicated her interest in <br /> sitting on the Board of Commissioners. <br /> . Quarterly meetings have been established with both the elderly and family residents. <br /> Seniors have met twice in March--with the Fire Chief and the Police Chief. Afire drill <br /> is scheduled for early May. The next quarterly greeting for both the elderly and family <br /> will be held in the griddle of June. <br /> . Bi-Annual newsletter--format has been developed and the first issue will be available <br /> at the end of dune. <br /> . Ongoing greetings/contact with DIVAN for 689 project. <br /> NEIN BUSINESS: <br /> IVIRVP Income Limit -- motion was grade b Ms. Rudd and seconded by Mrs. Brooks t <br /> approve the revised MRVP Income Limits for Determination of Eligibility and Continued <br /> Occupancy, effective April 1, 1997. The motion was adopted. <br /> Director advised members that three individuals are interested in being appointed to the Board-- <br /> two letters of interest were forwarded from Town Hall, the third was mailed directly to the <br /> Housing Authority. IIID. Feed was directed to set up interviews with the three individuals on <br /> Thursday, May 8, 1997, at 6:30 p.m. <br /> 1s. Reed advised members of a proposal from DSS HA Falmouth & Barnstable)to overhouse <br /> families to participate as foster parents. This is an innovative idea; however, it would be geared <br /> to the large`housing authorities who have the resources. The Beard agreed not to pursue this <br /> type of program. <br /> The Section 8 FSS program explained to member's. Ms. Reed also advised the Board that <br /> notices of the availability of this program was forwarded to the 22 Section 8 portability <br /> participants. The FSS coordinator, working out of the Dennis office will actually be conducted all <br /> interviews and activities of participants. <br /> EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT: <br /> T: <br /> The Terminix contract for termite extermination was executed and the Sentricon system is now <br /> in place. t <br /> There is an ongoing drainage problem at the family site. Toro Hackenson, DHCD will be making <br /> a recommendation that all wood chips be removed and the site loomed and planted with grass. <br /> A motion was grade by Ills. Rudd and seconded by Mrs. Mills to accept and implement the <br /> new maintenance rate, as approved by DL I, from $12.56 t 12.89 per hour. The motion <br /> was carried. <br /> John Mc arrahan, Vice-President ent and Bill Page, volunteer from Habitat for Humanity shared the <br /> purpose and how habitat operates. Habitat for Humanity of Cape Cod, Inc. is an affiliate of <br /> Habitat International. The program utilized volunteer labor and contribution from the community <br /> to build houses for sale for individuals who our generally priced out of the conventional market. <br /> Families contribute Soo hours of sweat equity, financing is a interest free loam, depth service is <br /> approximately 2-300 per month for a total of$4 /month. To date there have been no defaults <br /> or delinquency on mortgages. <br />
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