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r <br /> Old Business: <br /> The Director advised that to date we have not received the written report of the Auditor. <br /> Ibis. Fermino advised that she has spoken with the Tribal Council regarding a joint nie ting. They <br /> suggested that we have a-brainstorming session with members of the Council and members of the <br /> Board--separate from a Board meeting. The Board agreed that this would be very good and <br /> suggested we set a date after the holidays--sometime in January, 1998. <br /> New Business: <br /> The Fee Accountants Contract was reviewed,, a motion was made by Mrs. Mills and seconded <br /> by Mr. Peoples to approve the contract between the l l shpee Housing Authority and Toni <br /> Joy, Fee Accountant. The motion carried. <br /> NIRvP Annual Contributions Contract for Mobility , Protect Based and Alternative <br /> Housing 2 . There is a difference in numbers on the contract for Project Based and Alternative <br /> Housing and Ms. feed will contact Charlie vasiliades regarding same. M . Rudd also questioned <br /> as to whether or not these differences result with return of monies from MRVP program. Ms. <br /> Reed is to check with Torn .toy. A motion was made by Mr. Peoples to approve the ACS' <br /> Contracts for MRVP Mobility, Project Based and Alternative Dousing programs. The <br /> motion carried. <br /> Legal Pilot Buy In Program--Ms. Reed advised that the buy in contribution has been increased <br /> from $200 to $225. This program is strictly voluntary. The monies are utilized to cover such <br /> items as office supplies, bar dues, travel expenses, etc. The Leal Pilot Attorney provides free <br /> legal services to smaller housing authorities with regard to evictions and provides workshops <br /> relative to regulations, new laves, etc. A motion was made by Mrs. Mills and seconded by Ms. <br /> Younger to continue participation in the regal Pilot Buy In Program and authorized <br /> payment of$225.00. The motion was adopted. <br /> Executive Director's Report: <br /> FIs. Reed reported that she attended the Domestic violence Roundtable meeting held at the <br /> Falmouth Hospital. Hospital staff`gave an excellent insight as to hove they became involved with <br /> domestic violence. The workshop was very well attended with representatives from the housing <br /> industry, health care providers, police departments, and other agencies that deal with domestic <br /> violence. Where were two domestic violence survivors who shared their experiences. .This <br /> luncheon was an ongoing attempt to keep the Domestic violence Roundtable viable and to focus <br /> on fund raising, etc. <br /> F air winds Celebration--extremely well attended by providers and consumers. Bob Murray and <br /> staff`, Torn Cahir and the Department of Mental Health Area Director were presented with <br /> Certificates of Appreciation. Also, special recognition were given to Marlene Hoey, Karen Rudd <br /> and Carolyn Reed. <br />