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4 <br /> OLD BUSINESS: <br /> None <br /> 'NEW BUSINESS: <br /> The position of Administrative Assistant was advertised in the Cape Cod Tines and the lashpee <br /> Enterprise. Approximately 36 resumes were received and reviewed. Five candidates were <br /> interviewed by the Director and officers of the Residents Association. The successful cand'date <br /> was Kristi L. Perry--in addition to possessing the necessary skills and requirements for the <br /> positron, Ms. Perry 1s a FSS participant. The position is for 18 hours per week at the rate of <br /> 10.00 per hour with leave benefits pro-rated appropriately. "here is no health insurance r <br /> retirement associated with this position. <br /> Terry will continue on the payroll--up to ten hours for purposes of training. There is money in the <br /> 40001 budget due to two weeks unused salary. Subsequent to this training period, Torn Joy will <br /> e available to train both the Director and Mils. perry on the Quick brooks program which the <br /> authority will be using for financial management. <br /> motion was made by Mrs. Mills and seconded by Ms. Younger approving the personnel <br /> action described above. The motion was adopted. <br /> EXECUTIVE DOCTOR"S REPORT: <br /> 1. Reviewed 36 resumes for the position of Administrative Assistant--interviewed 5 candidates. <br /> 2. Met with Roscoe Riley and dike Briana, representatives of"local" Habitat. Mr. Rile and Mr. <br /> riana have been meeting with Town Planner and looking at sites for two Habitat louses in. <br /> Mashpee this year. They again expressed the need for the Housing Authority to support an <br /> endorse the Habitat program--specifically with political contacts. Mr. BrIana also advised that <br /> there is another aspect of their progrAm. In addition to the conventional Habitat Program, they are <br /> involved with assisting financial depressed individuals and agencies with budgets that prevent <br /> extraordinary maintenance such as roof repair,.handicap ramps, etc. <br /> . Attended NAHRO Fall Conference: <br /> a. mply ment Training session--focused n Welfare to work programs--i.e. Skills Plus <br /> Training Program' hich allows for short term/voucher purchasing training selected by the <br /> participant. Catalogues/brochures have been designed to allow for the participant to select their <br /> oven area oftraining. The Department of Employment Training now co-locates with the <br /> Department of Transitional Assistance. <br /> b. Sexual Harassment session--conducted by Harty Rooney who advised that the law <br /> requires that policies he in place. Suggested the policy should he very broad. He described the <br /> step by step process in the event a charge is brought against an employer. In all instances the <br /> most important issue is documentation. <br />