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s <br /> Y <br /> old Business. <br /> Response to State Auditor--previously forwarded to Commissioners: <br /> 1. 1 asherlDryer monies are deposited the first of every month--averaging$100-$120. <br /> . Tenant Accounts Receivables- uicl en has been purchased and installed and will be used to generate <br /> rent roll,other financial reports, and eventually deposits. <br /> . The Fee Accountant is preparing the revised year-and statement and balance sheet to be submitted to <br /> DHCD. <br /> . Contract has been executed by and between the Mashpee Housing Authority and Tera Joy and forwarded <br /> to DD. <br /> . Recertif are ongoing. A review of all files is currently being undertaken. Mi Byron wi <br /> identify those folders(MRVP)that need correcting. <br /> Ms.Reed advised the Board that she and Kristi are reaping the necessary corrections on all tiles of M R P <br /> participants reside ar in MasiVillaP. iNovember, [dew regulations ! <br /> were pro �rgated which 00� W the <br /> mob#lit' arti i ants'voucher amount and increased Project Base contract rents. Deas here are both III Illty <br /> and project based participants at Mashp e e Village,this process was done incorrectly b y the previous staff person. <br /> New Business: <br /> Subsequent to a brief discussion regarding the Memorandum of Understanding between the Mashpee.rousing <br /> Authorityand Oder Services,a motion was made by MFermino and seconded bMs.Youpff rappro !!lgr the <br /> Memorandum of Understanding . The matron was adopted. <br /> Discussion and explanation of Agreement for S ervi es, re: PHAST File program. A motion was made b y Ms: <br /> Formino and seconded b !s.Younger to approve partfiCi.patinn in,the PHAST File. Program and authorized the <br /> Director to enter into Lilt;Agieemg-rit IU1 OUrviceS. The m do i carried. <br /> Discussion regarding paying a monthly stipend to a 667-1 resident who spends a lot of time in the maintenance slop <br /> and takes care of the landscaping. Pa incr this sti end would lhel to e!imi ate any liability a aUSe-he would then be <br /> � p p <br /> eligible to be covered by Workers Compensation. A motion was gado by els.Younger and seconded by Ms. <br /> Fer ino approving $25.00 stipend to the res�deut. !be motion was parried. <br /> Subsequent to a lengthy discussion regarding necessity of a cellular telephone for the Executive Directoril ashpee <br /> Housing Authoritv and the cost c rrentiv involved,a motion was made by Ms. Formige and seconded by M <br /> Younger to table the approval for cellular telephone service until more information is provided with regard to <br /> contract, penalties, if any, if contract is canceled. The motion carried. <br />