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6/9/1999 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
6/9/1999 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
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a <br /> OLD BUSINESS: <br /> Evaluation of FjXecutive Director. Nis. Younger stated that in April a sub-committee was <br /> formed to conduct an evaluation of the Executive Director. The committee was Ms. Fenton <br /> and now-former commissioner Constance Mills. The evaluation consisted of several <br /> categories 'Including planning, staffing, organization, directing and leading, communication of <br /> information, follow-through, interpersonal skills, interaction and communication with <br /> tenants, meeting goals and objectives, and interaction and communication with other <br /> agencies. Ms.Younger stated that the performance was graded using a scale of one to five <br /> with one being poor and five being excellent. Ms.Younger announced that the evaluation <br /> ratings consisted of all fives/excellent. Ms. Younger stated that they were ell-deserved and <br /> read the comments from the evaluation which stated "performance speaks for itself. All <br /> objectives have been completed or in the process of completion'. Ms.Younger stated that, <br /> on behalf of the board, they were very pleased on how the housing authority was running. <br /> Ms.Younger stated that she has typed a memo/addendum to the evaluation giving some of her <br /> input, since she was unable to be part of the sub-committee for the evaluation. Mrs. Botsford <br /> thanked the Board for their support and for showing their appreciation in the hard work she <br /> has dome. A motion was made by Ms. Fenton and seconded by Ads. Williams to accept the <br /> evaluation of the Executive Director. The motion carried. <br /> Cellular Phone: Mrs. Botsford stated that the suggestion had been made a couple months <br /> ago that she should look into getting a cellular phone. Mrs. Botsford has researched the cost <br /> and gotten four price comparisons, including the town plan. After a lengthy discussion, a <br /> motion was made by Ms. Younger and seconded by Ms. Orlando to allow a budget of <br /> $600.00 per year for the cost of a cellular phone for the Executive Director. The motion <br /> carried. <br /> NEW BUSINESS: <br /> Donation to Nis. Y2unrcItion:er for � �ertlMs. Younger stated that taking <br /> ...the course and test to become a certified Public Housing Manager and is seeking donations to <br /> defray her cost of$1,085.00. After a brief discussion, a notion was made by Ms* Fenton and <br /> seconded by Ms. Orlando to make a donation of$200.00 to Ms.-Younger toward the cost <br /> of the PHM course and certification. The motion carried. <br /> grgdit Card for HA- Mrs. Botsford sued that the housing authority is limited to <br /> TrueValue Hardware and Botellos for purchases of such items as maintenance tools and <br /> cleaning materials. Many larger items can be bought elsewhere at a much lower cost. Mrs. <br /> Botsford suggested getting a credit card for the housing authority which would allow more <br /> freedom in purchasing. A short discussion ensued and it was suggested that petty cash b <br /> increased t $200.00 instead, which would allow for more cash-on-hand for such purchases <br /> and avoid interest charges on credit cards. <br /> Commissioner's Roles and, oard &ecutiy �r�,interaction: Mrs. Botsford stated that <br /> In addition to the new board members, she has provided all ether board members With a erpts <br />
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