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Old Barnstable Road 7051. Mrs. Botsford reported that exterior landscaping improvements <br /> have been started. Existing fencing has been painted. The old lawn, which was heavily <br /> invaded by weeds and dead in most areas, has been pulled up, new loam has been spread, and <br /> h droseed has been sprayed. Mrs. Botsford reported that in August and September we will b <br /> concentrating on improving the shrubbery and adding flowers and also some new fencing. <br /> Mrs. Botsford reported that we have 2 A VP vouchers, 24 MRVP Mobile, 27 Project Based <br /> Vouchers, 18 Section 8 Certificates, and 9 Section 8 Vouchers leased in Mashpee. <br /> OLD BUSINESS: Ms. Younger reported that she had attended the Public Housing Manager <br /> training and took the exam in Rhode Island. She stated that she learned a lot about housing <br /> authority management and found it to be a very valuable experience. She is waiting for her <br /> exam results. <br /> NEW BUSINESS: <br /> FY 200 Budget Presentation and a roval: Mrs. Botsford introduced Thomas joy to address <br /> the board with the FY 2000 proposed budget. Mr. Joy started by saying he wished to review <br /> how the housing authority did with it's 1999 budget. fir. joy stated that last year the housing <br /> authority had budgeted to require a subsidy from DHCD in the amount of$5,679-00 and <br /> instead ended exp not needing a subsidy but with an $8,000.00 profit. The housing authority <br /> then did about $10,000.00 worth of extraordinary maintenance which included apartment <br /> renovation at the 705, replacement of equipment: purchase of the copy machine and <br /> refrigerators, and a computer. Mr. joy then reported that the housing authority reserves are <br /> now at about $42,000 and are available to the housing authority for non-routine <br /> expenditures. The Mate monitors the reserve so that the minimum reserve amount is $500.00 <br /> per unit or$15,000.00) and the maximum arnount is one half of the total operating budget <br /> (or 0,000.00 . The ideal amount to beep in reserve is 60 - 70% of the maximum allowed. <br /> Mr. joy reported that the new budget reflects 2.00 amount being granted by DFICD for an <br /> air conditioner for the community room which Mrs. Botsford applied for and will receive. <br /> This a ount does not corne out of our budget. Mr. Joy reported that DHCD approved a 4% <br /> increase for all non-utility budget items, and vent on to detail how the budget line-items are <br /> affected. After explaining the income, expense, and reserve categories, fir. joy summarized by <br /> stating that the net income is budgeted at $2,473.00, arra that this is the first time Mashpee <br /> Housing Authority will be submitted a budget that shows a profit. Mr. joy then reviewed the <br /> salary and extraordinary maintenance charts. He stated that we will be requesting money for <br /> refrigerator and stove replacements at the 667, countertop replacements at the 705, parking <br /> lot expansion for the 667 and office, and landscape improvements at the 705. Mr. Joy then <br /> went on to review the MRVP budget and to explain the need to submit a year-end, revised <br /> 40001 budget. A Motion was made by Ms. Finton and seconded by ibis. Williams to accept <br /> the 40001 ICY 2000 Budget as presented. The motion was adopted. A Motion was made <br /> by FIs. Williams and seconded by Nis. Finton to accept the MRVP FY 2000 Budget a <br /> presented. The motion was adopted. A Motion was made by Nis. Finton and seconded by <br /> Ms. Williams to accept the reprised FY 1993 Budget as presented. <br /> Ado tion of new Section 8 voucher P nt Standards: firs. Botsford explained that the <br /> Section 8 program will be changing over the next two years. Part of the change requires <br /> 9 <br />