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10/14/1999 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
10/14/1999 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
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l <br /> r <br /> Mrs. Botsford reported that we have 2 AHVP vouchers, 23 M VP Mobile, 30 Project Based <br /> Vouchers, 17 Section 8 Certificates, 8 Section 8 vouchers and one Housing Choice Voucher <br /> leased in Mashpee. <br /> Mrs. Botsford reported that she attended the Leo Dower Seminar and also the Section <br /> Administrators Association training for the new Section 8 Dousing Choice Voucher Program. <br /> Mrs. Botsford stated that there has been a lot of press recently on the housing crisis on the <br /> Cape. She made copies of some of the articles for the board members. <br /> OLID BUSINESS: <br /> Snow Wowirr Mrs. Botsford stated that, as of the last meeting, she was unable to get a <br /> definite date and time for the snowplowing issue to be addressed by the selectman. She stated <br /> that on September 20 she received three hours notice that snow-plowing was on the agenda <br /> for that evenings selectman's meeting. Mrs. Botsford stated that she had previous plans for <br /> that evening and did not have enough time to notify hoard members and residents. Mrs. <br /> Botsford seat a letter explaining this to the Town and requesting to be placed on another <br /> agenda, with at least one week notice. There was an article in the Mashpee Enterprise (which <br /> was sent to all members) which reported that the issue had been addressed and dealt with <br /> anyway. The Town has agreed to plow housing authority properties after the plowing is <br /> completed for the rest of the Torn. Mrs. Botsford stated that, although the town will be <br /> doing the work, it would be a good idea to have a "back-up" contractor in case the Town <br /> cannot get to our properties for lune a while. Mrs. Botsford has since met with the Town in <br /> an effort to clarify the housing authority's intentions and to work on improving <br /> communication between the housing authority and the Town. Mrs. Botsford stated that the <br /> meeting gent very well and that she felt that the Town and the housing authority will be <br /> working together to address the affordable housing needs of the residents in Mashpee. The <br /> Town will be meeting regularly with the housing authority to collaborate on, hopefully, <br /> developing more housing and possibly creating a Housing Rehabilitation Program. <br /> Mrs. Botsford will be notifying the residents as to the snow plowing issue and arrange for a <br /> back-up contractor. <br /> Mrs. Botsford reported that she also had a meeting with Doug Storrs and his associates from <br /> Mashpee Commons regarding the affordable housing component of the new development <br /> Mashpee Commons will be doing. They may contact MHA in the future with a proposal to <br /> meet their requirement of making 10% of the units affordable. <br /> NEW BUSINESS: <br /> Ado tion of Section 8 Fair Market Rents a meat Standards. Mrs. Botsford presented the <br /> Board with an outline containing the newly revised Section 8 Fair Market rents announced by <br /> HUD in a recent Federal Register and the Payment Standards reflective of 110% of the FMRs. <br /> motion was made by Mr. Peoples and seconded by lies. Williams to adopt the new <br /> Section 8 PMs and the relating Payment Standards. The motion carried. <br />
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