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beyond their normal duties as directors. Mr. Toy stated that the Section 8 Program has <br /> about $18,000.00 in reserves at the time, and this account could handle such an <br /> expanse. Mr. Joy pointed out the payment would not be subject to withholdings for <br /> retirement and withholdings for taxes would be up to the employee preference. <br /> The Board tanked Mr. Joy and he was excused from the meeting. <br /> Ms. Finton thea welcomed Ms. Likins to the board and introduced her to the rest of the <br /> commissioners. <br /> TREASURER'S REPORT: <br /> Budget to Actual and Narrative:, Mrs. Botsford explained that she was not able to give a <br /> report on the bank balances because the bank statements had not yet come in. The <br /> Budget to Actual Report, prepared by the fee-accountant, was presented to the Board, <br /> which represented the eleventh month of the fiscal year. Mrs. Botsford reported that <br /> X11 line-items were within budget. <br /> Accounts Payables: Payables totaling $2Q,333.99 were presented to the Board for <br /> review, approval and signatures. Mrs. Botsford also presented a $75.U0 check from the <br /> Section 8 Program, which represents an underpayment to a landlord. Mrs. Botsford <br /> pointed out that the accounts payables were a little high this month due to the fact that <br /> the housing authority had just awarded the contract for the parking lot expansion <br /> project. Payment to the contractor is due and payable as each of the foe fazes of work <br /> is complete and all five checks are part of this month's accounts payable items. <br /> ftnt.12elinguenci Mrs. Botsford stated that all rents at both developments have <br /> been paid in full. A Motion was made by Ms. Williams and seconded by Mr. <br /> Peoples to accept the Secmtary's report as presented. the motion was <br /> adapted. <br /> PROGRAM UPDATE: <br /> HQmever ViIlage_f667): Mrs. Botsford reported that there was Bingo this past month, <br /> as usual. The Executive Director's bi-monthly meeting with the residents was geld, <br /> which was pretty well attended. The second arinval Flower Power program was <br /> offered: 10 flats of annuals were made available to the residents to take and plant in <br /> the courtyard garden area. <br /> Old.-Bam9abig.Rod (7Q5): Mrs. Botsford reported that mulch is being delivered nem <br /> week and, as part of the landscaping improvements approved in last year's budget, a <br /> fenced enclosure has been ordered for ground the dumpster. <br /> Mrs. Botsford reported that she went to the monthly meetings for SMEDA <br /> (Southeastern Mass. Executive Director's Association), and Mashpee Human Services, <br /> which Mashpee Hpusing Authority hosted this month. She also attended the NAHRO <br /> (National Associate of Housing and Redevelopment Officials) Spring conference held at <br /> Page 2 of 6 <br /> L <br />