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06/08/2000 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
06/08/2000 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
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the Seacrest; and a seminar on Inclusionary Zoning, hosted by Massachusetts Housing <br /> Partnership (MHP). SHADO (Small Housing Authority Directors Organiion), CRAM <br /> (Capp Rental Assistance Managers), and CHOP (Cape Mousing Officials Organization) <br /> did not meet this month, due to the NAFIRO Spring Conference,, Mrs. Botsford reported <br /> that she was elected onto the SMEDA Board of Directors. <br /> Ms. Likins inquired as to what Inclusi4nary Zoning was. Mrs. Botsford explained the <br /> concept as builders being charged a percentage {usually i%} of all new construction <br /> with a worth of over $1U0,000.00 and the money collected was used for affordable <br /> housing rehab or construction, Mss. Botsford explained that it was being done in other <br /> towns very successfuliy. She explained that it was currently being challenged in court <br /> in the Town of Barnstable and herefore many towns that are interested in similar <br /> zoning changes are waiting to see what happens in that case. <br /> Mrs. Botsford reported that she has finished designing the new MRVP Waiting list <br /> database and that waiting list updates for the 705 and 667 waiting lists have been <br /> completed and the MRVP waiting lisp update is currently being done. <br /> Mrs. Botsford reported that we have 3 AHVP vouchers, 22 MRVP Mobile, 26 Project <br /> Based Vouchers, 11 Section 8 Certificates, 6 Section 8 Vouchers and 8 Housing Choice <br /> Vouchers leased in Mashpee. <br /> OLD BusINIEss; <br /> Technical Assistance Program.Update:. Mrs. Botsford reported that she had met with the <br /> engineer from Coastal Engineering and he will be preparing a report on how many units <br /> of housing can be put on the parcel of land that has been given to the hosing <br /> authority by the town. Mme. Botsford and Laura Shufelt will then meet once more to <br /> work on proformas and RFPs (Request for Prpposals) based on the number of units the <br /> engineer recommends. <br /> Eogutive Directo A Huai Eva.Iu:KiQn/GqaIs..anJ--!Qbjgcti Ms. Finton stated that this <br /> was the final phase of the evaluation of Mrs. Botsford where the Goals and objectives <br /> of the director and housing authority would be set. Addressing the board regarding <br /> goals and objectives, Mrs. Botsford Mated that, although the review she received was <br /> very good,, she wished to get some input from the board with regards to a couple <br /> comments that were made on the evaluation, so that effective goals could be set. Mrs. <br /> Botsford stated that a comment of"more aggressive Mashpee voce/recognition"was <br /> made and she would appreciate some specific suggestions from the board on how they <br /> wish her to accomplish that. She staffed that she felt that she has been a very loud <br /> voice in Mashpee for the authority, particularly over the past year. She stated that she <br /> has been attending many meetings, building a relationship with the town, which <br /> resulted in obtaining a parcel of land and the formation of are affordable housing <br /> committee, and also attended three nights of town meeting to support these items. <br /> She stated that she felt she was doing as much as one voice could and that, with all <br /> due respect, she felt that if the board desired more of a "voice" then she would need <br /> Page 3 of fi <br /> L - - <br />
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