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r' <br /> Mrs. Botsford reported that she met with the residents this month and that agenda <br /> items included a short presentation by Lynn Waterman of the Mashpee Council on <br /> Aging; Discussion regarding proposed Guest Pofiry/Procedure; Fire Extinguisher <br /> Testing; Window washing and discussion on having spot-luck dinner in the fall. <br /> Additionally, a Beautification Committee was formed, at her request, to help make <br /> decisions regarding the condition of the gardens at Homeyer Village, Three residents <br /> are on the committee and will meet with the Executive Director on a regular basis, as <br /> needed. <br /> Mss. Botsford reported that the parking lot expansion job is done. Signs have been <br /> installed to clearly mark the resident parking spots and the office and visitors' spots. <br /> flM= Ares 05L: Mrs. Botsford reported that the housing authority is pursuing <br /> eviction of one family due to seversl lease violations. Otherwise, the development is <br /> looking good. The enclosure for the dumpster and some fencing should be installed <br /> within the next few weeks. <br /> Mise: <br /> Mrs. Botsford reported that she attended the monthly meetings for the UCDVC (Upper <br /> Capp Domestic Violence Coalition), SHADO (Small Housing Authority Directors <br /> Organization) CHOO (Cape Housing Officials organization), the Mashpee Women's <br /> Retreat for Human Service Providers (which she hosted), and Mashpee Human Services <br /> Council. Mrs. Botsford reported that she is also serving on asub-committee (under <br /> Mashpee Human Services Council) to organize a Mashpee Candlelight Vigil in October to <br /> promote peace in the community. A press release was issued by the Council regarding <br /> the recent murder in our neighboring town of Falmouth. Mrs. Botsford also attended a <br /> Workplace Violence Seminar at Town Hall, which was put on by the UCDVC and the Lev <br /> Dower Conference on Monday and Tuesday this week. SMEDA (Southeastem Mass. <br /> Executive Director's Association) does not meet during the summer< <br /> Mrs. Botsford reported that we have 3 AHVP vouchers, 23 MRVP Mobile, 22 Project <br /> Based Vouchers, 10 Section 8 Certificates,, 5 Section 8 Vouches and 10 Housing Choice <br /> Vouchers Teased in Mashpee. Mrs,, Botsford mentioned that the project based number <br /> should increase by two by the end of the month, but that we are sill below the <br /> minimum of 29. She has been in contact with Mashpee Village about this problem. <br /> Ms. Finton then took a moment to introduce and welcome Ms. Thurston. <br /> i <br /> OLD BUSINESS: <br /> hers P th Route 2 U te: Mss. Botsford stated that she had received the official <br /> report from Coastal Engineering which includes a conceptual plan for 56 one-bedroom <br /> units and an office/maintenance building. A copy of the report and plans were provided <br /> to each board member. Mrs. Botsford stated that a copy of the report and plans would <br /> be provided to the board of Selectmen to keep them updated. Mrs. Botsford then <br /> Page 2 of 4 <br />