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NEW BUSINESS: <br /> Protocol for rnee ing .with the Board: Ms. Finton stated that this item was placed on the <br /> agenda at her request. she stated that she thinks there should be a procedure <br /> followed by people who wish to address the board, she will draft an outline for review <br /> at the next regular meeting. <br /> Procurement Poligy UndatelAdogtion: Mrs. Botsford supplied the board with a drafted <br /> procurement policy which represents recent changes in procurement law. The changes <br /> were reviewed and after a brief discussion a motion was made by Ms. Lll ins and <br /> seconded by <br /> Ir. Peoples to adopt the new Procurement Policy and request <br /> waiver from DHCD to follow the ate guidelines instead of HC `s limits. <br /> The motion carried. <br /> ACC Approval: Mrs. Botsford presented the board with this years Annual Contributions <br /> Contract. Mrs. Botsford explained that they are the contracts Mashpee Housing <br /> Authority enters into each year with DHCD in order to receive funding for the MRVP and <br /> AHVP programs. A notion was made by Mr. Peoples and seconded by Ms. <br /> Liins to approve the Annual contributions contracts for the IIP, AHP, <br /> and IIP Project Based programs. The motion Carried. <br /> Ms. Finton, who is chairperson and required to sign on behalf of the housing authority, <br /> stated that she felt that she needed to carefully review the MRVP Project Based ACC <br /> before she signed it, as she granted to be sure that there was no conflict of interest. <br /> ChecWSignat r : Ids. Finton explained that this iter was on the agenda to address <br /> the possibility of getting a signature stamp for the housing authority. A short <br /> discussion ensued and it was decided to table this item until the next meeting. <br /> Affordable Housing Committee: Mrs. Botsford informed the board that she, and Ms. <br /> Williams, attended the first Town of Mashpee Aff=ordable Housing Committee meeting. <br /> They will meet on the fiat Tuesday of each month. she explained that the first <br /> meeting was spent getting to know each other and discussing what direction people <br /> saver the committee going in. Mrs. Botsford volunteered to get what information she <br /> could from the Sandwich Affordable Housing Committee to use as a guideline in <br /> Mash pee. <br /> OTHERBUSINESS: Mrs. Botsford state that HUD has issued neva Fair Market Rents <br /> for all bedroom sizes., A short discussion ensued and a notion was made by Mr. <br /> Peoples and seconded by Ms. Williams ms to adopt the new section B Voucher <br /> amounts at a rate of 110%. The notion carried. <br /> COMMUNICATIONS/CORRESPONDENCE: Mrs, Botsford reported that she had <br /> received a couple items of correspondence that she wished to share with the board. <br /> The First was a notification from DHCD that MRVP voucher amounts were being raised <br /> as follows: 0.00 for one and two bedroom units; $60.00 for three bedroom units; <br /> Page 3 of <br />