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f <br /> gardens, at his own personal expense. we have plenty of money in the Maintenance <br /> Contract Costs account to cover such an epense. <br /> A short discussion ensued and a motion was made by Mr. Homeyer and seconded by Ms. <br /> Williams to issue a stipend check to Sohn Wilcox in the amount o $300,00, T e <br /> motion was adopted,, <br /> OLD BUSINESS: <br /> Asheft?_&.EM_PQ.sa1; Mrs. Botsford introduced the board members to Jonathan 3uhl of The <br /> Community Builders. Mr. Juhl thea introduced Nor. Nunes to everyone, Mr, Juhl described in <br /> detail the proposal the The Community Buildings has submitted to the housing authority for the <br /> development of the Asher's Path elderly housing project and explained that under the 202 <br /> programer and separate non-profit(501(c)(3)) will reed to be established with a board of <br /> directors of between 7& 15 people, TCB would be the lead sponsor with the I ashpee Housing <br /> Authority being the co-sponsor. Mr. Juhl explained the process for applying for HUD 202funds, <br /> which will be the funding used for this development and the development schedule which <br /> project a possible move-in date of fall of 20 . The housing authority, or it's non-profit will <br /> contract with TCB for the management of the property. The board thanked Mr. Juhl and Mr, <br /> Nunes for their presentation and they excited the meeting. After a discussion, a notion was <br /> made by Mr. Peoples and seconded by Mr. Homeyer to award the groundAease and <br /> contract for ars elderly_affordable housing development on s er's Path to The <br /> Community Builders,.with the understanding that either the housing authority r it's <br /> non-wproflt will contract with them for the management o the property. The motion <br /> was adopted,. <br /> NEW BUSINESS: <br /> The Chairperson announced that, due to time constraints, the new business items would be <br /> tabled for the next meeting. <br /> OTR BUSINESS: <br /> S c T R S REPORT: <br /> Minutes for regular meeting held on May g, 2002 were presented. A moUon was made by <br /> Mr,, Peoples and seconded by Ms. Williams to accept the minutes as presented* The <br /> notion was adopted. <br /> T# EASUREWS REPORT, <br /> Budat toA4al and Narrati - Mrs. Botsford provided a treasurer's report with regards to the <br /> bank accounts and the Budget to Actual Report, prepared by the fee-accountant, which <br /> represented the eleventh month of the fiscal year, Mrs; Botsford also presented the board with <br /> the bank account balance reports for both May and June. <br /> Accounts_ air Payables totaling $12,181-13were presented to the Board for review,, <br /> approval and signatures. The warrant was presented to the chairperson for her signature. <br /> Rgrit-Deligguencio: yrs, Botsford stated that all rents are paid In full at Homeyer village and <br /> Breezy Acres, <br /> 'age 2 of <br />