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10/13/2005 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
10/13/2005 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
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that may be very complicated and might not be able to be accomplished but was : <br /> interested its meeting with his staff to see if they could think of any way to get it done. <br /> We may want to consider re-issuing another RFP (Request for Proposals) for the Ash is <br /> Path property. HAC would be interested in responding to it. They did a project in <br /> Brewster a few years ago that was a HUD202 and I've tallied to the executive director <br /> there about it. She is Sending-'melh REP they used so that, if we decide to reissue'ah <br /> `;R P,r,I-can b' that to cornpare to the' one we issued bfpr <br /> TIS e f6e accountant has don 'the cl'uiarterl report; a-nd 4it has,been si b rn' itt d td D H CD. <br /> OLD BUSINESS: <br /> Executive Director Evaluation: Mr. Harsch roved that, since there was so much on the <br /> agenda,, and we were limited with time constraints,, he would like to table this item <br /> to next month. Nor. Halpern seconded the motion. The motion was adopted. Ms. <br /> Battles moved that vire set aside a period of time at our net month to conduct the <br /> evaluation. Mr* Halpern seconded the motion. The motion was adopted. Mrs. Botsford <br /> distributed the forms to ali present, along with a copy of the Goals and Objectives that were set <br /> at her last review. <br /> i F <br /> a <br /> NEW BUSINESS: <br /> Election of Treasurer: The Chairperson announced the opening of-nominations for election of <br /> Treasurer of the Board of Commissioners for the Mashp a Housing Authority. A motion was <br /> made by Mr. Harsch and seconded by Mr. Halpern to nominate Deborah Battles for <br /> the position of Treasurer,, The motion carried unanimously. , Ms. Battles accepted the <br /> position and Ms. Botsford read the responsibilities of the treasurer to Ms. Battles as outlined in <br /> the Mashpee Housing Authority by-laws. <br /> TD BankNorth Account signatory Card: Mrs. Botsford explained to the board that the bank is <br /> requiring all board members to sign the forms so that the account records can be updated and <br /> all board members will have authorization to sign checks on behalf of the housing authority. <br /> Mrs. Botsford stated that she had sent an email and left a message for Mr. Flyer that he will <br /> need to reale arrangements to come in to the office to sign the formes before she can submit <br /> them to the bank. <br /> Adoption of new No Smoking Policy: Mrs. Botsford reviewed the proposed changes to the <br /> housing authority's No Smoking Policy and the reasons for the changes., After a-short- <br /> discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Halpern and seconded by Ir. Laporte to adopt <br /> the new No Smoking policy as drafted. The notion was adopted. Mrs. Botsford stated <br /> that she will be sure all residents are rade aware of the new policy. <br /> Adoption of new S ction8 voucher Payment Schedule and Utifily Allowance Schedules: Mrs. <br /> Botsford reviewed the HUD Section 8 Fair Market t Rent schedule with the board and suggested <br /> that the board adopt a new voucher at 110% of the Fair Market Rents, as allowed by HUD. She <br /> also r i wed.the updated Section Utility Allowance Schedules. After a{brief discussion, <br /> After a short discussion,.a.motion' ras.made"'b Ar. Laporte and seconded b'- r. <br /> H a I Orin to adopt a- e Section 8 voucher.Payment standard_Sch d0ld- t 11 o <br /> the Fa i r Ufa ret Rents for the flash { <br /> �- rea;� l I as the new ly u pdted lJti I ity <br /> AIIowa nce.Schedules. The motion was adopted <br /> Page 2 of <br />
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