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. The-chairperson asked what the status of the Trending machine was. Mrs. Botsford reported <br /> + that she had signed an agreement with New Spirit vending to provide a vending machine for <br /> the building and it was going to be installed on October 27. The revenue for the authority was <br /> then briefly discussed again, and Mrs. Botsford stated that she has contacted DHCD again to <br /> review the situ tion. She-a nd the fee accountant may need to ma ke aN trip to Boston to meet <br /> personally with there, currently the authority hays only about $19,000 in reserves. Mrs., <br /> Botsford has sent letters to representatives.-to ask for their help in passing a,suppleental <br /> burdg t, which would aid all -Massachusetts housing- uthorities... supportive responses were <br /> received from both Representative Perry and Representative Patrick. <br /> OTHER BUSINESS: <br /> Town Affordable Housing Committee update from liaison: Ms. Battles gave a brief update. She <br /> was absent from the towns Inst meeting, but reviewed the minutes from that meeting, Mrs. <br /> Botsford distributed copies of those minutes to the board members. The town is moving <br /> forward with the Municipal Affordable Housing Trust. Ms. Battles will continue as the liaison. <br /> CPA (Communitv Preservation Act update/report from liaison: Mrs. Botsford reminded the <br /> board that Mr. Halpern had been appointed as the housing authority"s designee on the CPA <br /> board. Mr. Halpern reported that the last meeting was cancelled but he will be attending a CPA <br /> conference being held later this month. Mr. Halpern would like for us to come up with a <br /> proposal for the CPA to consider. This item will be placed on next month's agenda after- Mr. <br /> Halpern gathers more information and ideas at the CPA conference. Mrs. Botsford stated that <br /> she had emailed all the housing authorities in Massachusetts that attend the executive. director ` <br /> meetings she goes to, to see if any housing authorities have been successful in doing anything <br /> with .thein local CPA monies. She will gather all of the responses and have inf rrnation available { <br /> for net meeting. <br /> COMMUNICATIONS/CORRESPONDENCE: <br /> Correa rndn : <br /> 0 Mrs. Botsford received a notice from DHCD regarding changes to the MRVP Mobile <br /> voucher program a copy of their notice is in your packet). Regulations changed for <br /> how rents are calculated under this program. This has required our computer program <br /> to be adjusted and updated. DHCD wants all rents adjusted retroactive to ,duly 1 and <br /> notices sent out to all tenants and landlords. DHCD has instructed housing authorities <br /> to-issue checks to.the tenants for amounts due to thorn due to this retroactive-change. r <br /> In addition, DHCD is allowing housing authorities to re-issue vouchers that were. <br /> terminated since July 2005. We have 2 that we can re-issue. Mrs. Botsford is in the <br /> process of contacting people on the gaiting list and will re-issues these vouchers are <br /> soon as possible. <br /> 0 We received a correspondence from the Mashpee WampanoaNg Indian Tribal council <br /> regarding their support for the Asher"s Path project. The correspondence is not <br /> encouraging. In their letter they state that they "will be in fall support of TCB, in <br /> partnership-wih MHA to neve forward-and develop Asher's Path Senior P Housing,L ifif the.;.; <br /> developer would be willing to h ve-a preference for Elderly members of the Mas <br /> a <br /> Wa m pa n oag Tribe, and a 1 so,a I oca l Prefere nceMrs. Botsford is in the process of'. <br /> double-checking, but doesn't believe preferences like this are allowed by HUD and if this, <br /> its the-only way they wlll support our development,.thea we obviously won't have their <br /> support for a HUD 202 application and will probably not get funded, <br /> • Mrs. Botsford has been in contact with the assessor's office at Town Hall. They <br /> contacted her for some information regarding the PILOT (Payment in Lieu of Takes). <br /> Page 3 of <br />