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development of Asher's Path through a HUD 202 grant. After discussion, Nor. Laporte moved <br /> that the Request for proposals for the development of Asher"s Path be issued and <br /> advertised as appropriate. Ms. Battles seconded the motion. The motion was <br /> adopted. <br /> PA (CommunitvPreservation Act) Proposal Discussion: Mr. Halpern briefly discussed the <br /> sessions he attended recently and reported that the town's CPA committee has drafted a form <br /> application for entities to submit to apply for CPA funds. It was decided that Mr. Halpern would <br /> forward that application form to Mrs. Botsford to review and the board would work on <br /> completing an application for funding to submit as soon as possible. The application would be <br /> for funding to build the modular homes on the 7o /Breezy Acres site. Mr, Halpern mentioned <br /> that the CPA committee meeting the 2nd Tuesday of each month. <br /> Meeting sched le for 2006= The schedule for board meetings for 2006 was set, A motion <br /> was made by Nis* Battles and seconded by Mr. Laporte to change the meeting time <br /> back to 5:30 PM starting with the January 2006 meeting. The motion carried. <br /> Mrs. Botsford will send notification to the Mashpee town clerk to be posted. Additional copies <br /> of the notice will be posted in the housing authority office and each board member will receive <br /> a copy. <br /> OTHER BUSINESS: <br /> a i p liaison: s. Battles gave a brief update. she <br /> Town ffor�abl Hous�n �ornn��tt date from I�a�son <br /> stated that Housing Assistance Corporation was at the last meeting and talked positively about <br /> continuous collaboration with the i lashpee Housing Authority* <br /> CPA (Community Preservation Act update/Wo from liaison: Already covered. <br /> COM UNI TIONS/CORRESPONDENCE: As requested at our last meeting, Mrs. Botsford <br /> did send a correspondence to Alice Lopez at the Mashpee Wampanoag Indian Tribal council <br /> regarding their support for the Asher's Path project. A copy of the correspondence was <br /> provided to the board members. her. Laporte complimented Mrs. Botsford on a very well <br /> worded letter to Ms. Lopez, An email response from Alice was received and forwarded to all <br /> members. Ms. Lopez will be taking our request back to the council at their next meeting. Mrs. <br /> Botsford reported that she received a letter from Representative Perry* A copy of the <br /> correspondence was provided to all members. <br /> Mr, Laporte mentioned that he was going to try to coordinate a leaf-raking community service <br /> program through the high school. He will keep in touch with firs. Botsford about any progress <br /> he is able to mace on this. firs. Botsford thanked him for this initiative. <br /> The next meeting will be Thursday, December ber , 2005 at :00 PM- <br /> A <br /> -A motion was rade by Nor. Laporte and seconded by Ms. Battles t adjourn. The <br /> motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 6:35 P.M. <br /> esp - ul s bmitted, <br /> �,.e i I Botsford, a cre to ry <br /> Page 3 of <br />