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09/14/2006 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
09/14/2006 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
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I <br /> i <br /> housing authority staff. Unfortunately the training that Mrs. Botsford was suppose to attend i <br /> scheduled for next Thursday, September 21, 2006 when she will be out. Mrs. Botsford has <br /> contacted DHD and they are going to arrange a date later on when she can go into Boston for <br /> one-ori-orae training. She will keep you posted on this. <br /> All fire extinguishers at Hol Byer Village have been inspected, tested and recharged. <br /> OLD BUSINESS: <br /> Es: <br /> Ashers Path Update: Mrs. Botsford stated that Just this past Tuesday, September 12 SHE received a <br /> copy of the Zoning Board of Appeal's decision to approve our comprehensive permit. A copy of it has <br /> been provided to you. The application for LIHT (Low Income Housing Tax Credits) hes been submitted <br /> by E.A. Fish. Decisions are expected to be rade late December, early January. Small award round is <br /> expected, but we remain optimistic. in order to demonstrate the readiness to proceed, B.A. Fish will be <br /> applying for the building permit. Even though the building permit cannot be issued until all financing is <br /> approved, at least the review can be started by the town so that they can be prepared to issue it when <br /> funding is approved. <br /> At this paint, the chairperson stated that he wished to discuss the Restrictive Covenant item on the <br /> agenda now since It pertains to the Ashes Path Development. Nor. Harch had requested that this item <br /> be placed on the agenda. The suggested Restricdve Covenant, forwarded to the Mr. Harsch by the <br /> attorney for the Sea Oaks abutters, was discussed at length. Some concerns were raised and <br /> suggestions for changes were discussed. The chairperson said he would handle it. <br /> Rent Determination Poligy Ada 'on: Mrs. Botsford reviewed the newly drafted policy, which the board <br /> had tabled at the last meeting. Nor. Laporte moved that we tale the issue off the table and Cir. Halpern <br /> seconded the motion. Mrs. Botsford stated that she made the changes to the policy as requested by the <br /> board. She explained that 760 CMR 6.05 gives the discretion to the housing authority on whether or not <br /> to count income for an unemployable disabled veteran. After a brief discussion a motion was made by <br /> Ir. Halpern,which was seconded by Mr. Laporte, to adopt the [dent Determination Policy for <br /> Unemployable Disable Veterans. The motion carried. <br /> NEW BUSINESS: <br /> Affirmative Action Policy.0 ate: Mrs.. Botsford reviewed the drafted updated policy with the board. After <br /> a brief discussion a motion was made by Mr. Halpern,which was seconded by Mr. Laporte,,to <br /> adopt the updated Affirmative Ammon policy. The motion carried. <br /> Adopts n of Income Limits--AHVP:. Mrs. Botsford reviewed the newly issued DHCD Income limits for the <br /> AHVP (Alternative Housing Voucher Program). After a brief discussion a notion was made by Mr. <br /> Laporte,, which was seconded by Mr,, Halpern, to adopt the updated Income Limits for the <br /> AHVP. The motion carried. <br /> Cor prehen!si a Pin: Mrs. Botsford had provided the board with a copy of the Town's Comprehensive <br /> Plan for Affordable Housing. The town manager had send a memo requesting the housing authority`s <br /> comments and input on the plan. A discussion ensued and Mrs. Botsford stated that she would forward <br /> the Board`s comments and suggestions to the town manager, along with ars update on the MRVP unit <br /> count. <br /> BLQM.Acres Bxpansign j PA application: Mrs. Botsford reminded the board that the CPA committee did <br /> not fund our last application for funding. Mrs. Botsford has prepared applications for this newt round of <br /> funding and has broken the applicabon into Phase I and Phase II. Mr. Halpern offered to do his CPA <br /> liaison update at this time. Mr. Halpern reported that they had their meeting this past Tuesday. To date, <br /> no applications for funding have been submitted for this funding round. The deadline for applications is <br /> November 1, 2806. After a brief discussion a motion was made by Mr. Laporte,which was <br /> seconded by Ir. Halpern,to submit two applications for funding — Breezy Tres expansion <br /> project: Phase I and Phase II, The motion carried. <br /> Page 2 of <br />
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