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LD BUSINESS: <br /> Town land for affordable housing: After a brief discussion, this item was tabled to the next meeting. Ms. <br /> Garron will look into getting a list together of land that is 3 acres or more. <br /> Executive Director Evaluation: The board began Ms. Botsford"s evaluation. Ms. Allen stated Ms. Botsford <br /> does ars excellent job. Ms. Carron stated that, after attending many town meetings, she can say that <br /> Ms. Botsford does a phenomenal job. After reviewing the first couple items on the evaluation form and a <br /> short discussion, Mr. Laporte stated that the board has had a month to review the evaluation form and to <br /> consider Ms. Botsford's abilities a motion was made by Mr. Laporte and seconded by Ms. Carron <br /> to adjudge all areas of Ids. Botsford"s evaluation as out-standing. The motion carried. Ms. <br /> Botsford thanked the board for their input. Mr. Laporte stated that Ms. Botsford has been amazing, <br /> especially having to deal with her recent disabilities. The board continued onto the Performance Plan <br /> portion of the evaluation. The goals set in 2005 were reviewed. It was determined that all of the <br /> previously set coals have been met. The following new goals were set as follows: Complete 705 <br /> development (Breezy Acres expansion); Complete property management control of Asher's Path; More <br /> CPA funding (for rental assistance programs); Acquire another piece of property for development. <br /> Asher's Path update: Ms. Botsford stated that the development is fully leased. <br /> NEW BUSINESS: <br /> 705/Breezy Acres expansion: Contract for Financial Assistance: The following resolution was introduced <br /> by Leila Botsford read in full and considered: <br /> RESOLUTION N UTH F I II AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT FOR FINANCIAL.ASSISTANCE <br /> FOR <br /> STATE-AIDED HOUSING PROJECT, Chapter 705 <br /> WHEREAS, a form of Contract for Financial Assistance between the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and <br /> the Mashpee Housing Authority hereinafter called the "Authority" relating to State-Aided Housing <br /> Project, Chapter 705, has been submitted to the meeting providing, among other things, for the <br /> guarantee by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts of notes and bonds to be issued by the Authority to <br /> finance the cost of said Project, and the payment of annual contributions by the Commonwealth of <br /> Massachusetts. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE MEMBERS of THE MASHPEE HOUSING <br /> AUTHORITY, AS FOLLOWS,, <br /> Section 1. The-Authority shall eater into a contract with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in <br /> the form submitted at this meeting and contract in the name of Mashpee Housing Authority under its <br /> corporate seal, and the Secretary is hereby authorized to attest the same. <br /> Section 2. The Authority hereby requests the Director of the Division of Housing and Community <br /> Development eater into such contract with the Authority and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to <br /> approve such contract. <br /> Section 3. The Officers of this Authority shall be, and they are hereby authorized and directed, <br /> on and after the execution of said contract by the respective parties thereto, to do and perforin on behalf <br /> of the Authority all acts and the things required of the Authority to perform fully all of its obligations <br /> thereunder. <br /> Section 4. This resolution shall take effective immediately. <br /> Mr. Laporte moved that the foregoing resolutions be adopted as introduced and read, which motion was <br /> seconded by Ms. Carron and upon roil call the"Ayes'and"Nays"were as follows: <br /> _ _ <br /> I <br />