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i <br /> 4 <br /> f Copies of the following communications are in your folder: <br /> From Mass fi AHRO: appointment to their Professional Development& Member Services Committee <br /> 0 To Joyce Mason: Chapter 689 funding application <br /> 0 To Jeff Blaha of Blaha Plumbing & Heating: Breezy Acres Boiler work <br /> From CPACommittee: denying of funding this round <br /> OLD BUSINESS: <br /> Town land for affordable ho Mr. Halpern and Ms. Allen met with the town planner regarding <br /> available pieces of town-owned land for affordable housing production. fir. Halpern distributed a <br /> presentation to the board members and Mrs. Botsford regarding a piece of land adjacent to the property <br /> where Breezy Acres is. After the presentation it was decided that Mrs. Botsford would write a letter to <br /> the selectmen requesting that the piece of land be given to the housing authority for future development <br /> of affordable housing. <br /> Boiler Replacement Breezy_Acres: Mrs. Botsford reported that the boiler replacement was scheduled to <br /> start on Monday, August 11, 2008 and the plumber will work on one a day. The system will be shut <br /> down in the morning, but will be up and running by the end of the day. <br /> Breezy Ages Expansion Project: hers. Botsford reported that the consultant was hired through the Mass <br /> Housing Partnership grant to conduct an assessment of the property to find out how vire can maximize the <br /> size of the development and how we can finance the project. This process is still underway. firs. <br /> Botsford will keep the board informed. <br /> CPA funding: Rental Assistance Program: Mrs. Botsford reported that she'd received the notification <br /> from the CPA that they would not fund this program this round. She stated that she is unsure of whether <br /> or not to re-apply., since this would be the fourth time. She will request a meeting with the CPA to give <br /> therm ars update on the Breezy Acres Expansion Project. <br /> NEW BUSINESS: <br /> Poligy ado tion — Disposition Poli firs. Botsford reviewed the drafted policy with the members of the. <br /> board. After a brief discussion, a motion was made by Nor. Halpern and seconded by [fir. Laporte <br /> to adopt the Disposition Policy as drafted. The motion was adopted. <br /> Poligy adoption— Blood-borne Diseases Poli . Mrs. Botsford reviewed the drafted policy with the <br /> members of the board. After a brief discussion, a motion was made by Mr, Laporte and seconded <br /> by Nis. Allen to adopt the Blood-borne Diseases Policy a s drafted. The motion was adopted R <br /> Poligy adoption —Internet and Email Mrs. Botsford reviewed the drafted policy with the members <br /> of the board. After a brief discussion, a motion was made by Ms. Allen and-seconded ed b Mil, <br /> Halpern to adopt the Internet and Email Policy as drafted. The motion was adopted. <br /> Policy adoption— Inventory Policy: Irs. Botsfbrd reviewed the drafted policy with the members of the <br /> board. After a brief discussion, a motion was made by Nor. Laporte and seconded by Nis. Allem to <br /> adopt the Inventory Policy as drafted. The motion was adopted. <br /> Poligy ado tion— Personal Protective E ui ra nt Poli Mrs. Botsford reviewed the drafted policy with <br /> the members of the board. After a brief discussion, a motion was made by Nis. Allen and seconded <br /> by Nor. Halpern to adopt ldhe Personal Protective Equipment Policy as drafted; The motion <br /> was adopted. <br /> OTHER BUSINESS: � <br /> CPA(Community Preservation Act u ate rt from liaison: Mr. Halpern gage a brier update. <br /> -2 - <br />