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• 1 will be at Spectrum training on April 16& 17 and then on vacation the following week(although <br /> I am not going anywhere, so if I'm needed I can be reached). <br /> I am scheduled for surgery on Friday, May B and am expected to be out for about a week <br /> afterwards. I'll be sure that the office is covered and I'll probably have some work sent home to <br /> me, so that I don't fall far behind. <br /> Mrs. Botsford then reported to the board that both she and Aline Eld, Executive Assistant, have planned <br /> vacations for the first week in August. With permission from the board, the main office will be dosed <br /> during that week. Notices will be placed on the doors and in the newsletter. <br /> OLD BUSINESS: <br /> Town lard available for dev logment: Mr. Harsch stated that it seems vire are back at square one with <br /> getting land from the town, as it appears they are in the process of updating heir affordable housing <br /> inventory. <br /> NEIN BUSINESS: <br /> Breezy Acres Exoansior Project: Mrs. Botsford and the board reviewed the drafted Request for Proposals <br /> RFP for the Breezy Acres Expansion Project. It was decided to remove the language regarding the <br /> special needs house, as this funding does not appear to be forthcoming from DHCD. After a few minor <br /> adjurstments,a notion was made by Mr. Laporte and seconded by Mr. Halpern to move forward <br /> with final preparation of the Request for Proposals for the Breezy Acres Expansion Project, <br /> for advertisement projecbed for sometime in.dune. The notion married. <br /> Update on Reasonable Accommodation dation Poli c Procedure: Mrs. Botsford discussed with the board a few <br /> minor changes and additions she thinks should be made to the existing policy. After a brief discussion, a <br /> motion was rade by Ids.Allen and seconded by Mr. Laporte to adopt the updated Reasonable <br /> Accommodation Policy&Procedure as presented. The notion carried. <br /> Change to Personnel Mrs. Botsford suggested changing in wording to the personnel policy <br /> regarding the carrying forward of vacation time. After a brief discussion, a motion was made by M. . <br /> Allen and seconded by Mir. Laporte to change the Personnel Policy to cap the amount of <br /> vacation tinite that an employee can carry forward on December 31 too two weeks.The motion <br /> carried. <br /> OTHER BUSINESS: <br /> CPA (Community Preservation Act updaLelikeport from liaison: Mir. Halpern gage the board a brief <br /> update, <br /> COMMUNICATIONS/CORRESPONDENCE: Mrs. Botsford provided the board with a copy of the <br /> official Auditors Report received in the office February 23, Zoog. She also prodded therm with a copy of <br /> the outline she provided Ashers Path residents in February with regards to several issues that had been <br /> brought to her attention. <br /> The next regular meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May , 2009 at 5:30 PIS at the Asher's Path Common <br /> Room. A motion was mule by Mr. Laporte and seconded by Ms.Allen to adjourn. The notion <br /> carried. The meeting was adjourned at 6:25 P.N. <br /> Res I �ubmitted <br /> �t <br /> 4 <br /> Lei tfrd, etary <br /> E ut1 ct <br /> Dire <br />