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1 <br /> increase per the LIHTC calculation and how this increase supports the increase to the budget <br /> spending expected over the next 12 months. Before the meeting, a couple residents have <br /> commented (complained) that the -called "resident association leaders"are drawing up a letter � <br /> to Mr. Fish complaining about the rent increase. I reiterated at the meeting that Mr. Fish does <br /> not govern the rent---the management does, per the LIHTC program regulations. I've been in <br /> touch with Peabody Properties about this and given thea a heads up to this letter-that may be <br /> corning, despite what I've done. I spoke with the"resident association president'about ghat I <br /> had heard and expressed my disappointment that they were going to Mr. Fish on this, as no one <br /> i <br /> has asked for a meeting with me to discuss it, and they have not spoken to anyone else at <br /> Peabody Properties. It is just inappropriate to approach Mr. Fish on a matter like this, bort they <br /> seen intent on doing it. <br /> A reminder that I am scheduled for surgery tomorrow, Friday, May 8 and arm expected to be out <br /> for about -10 days afterwards. I'll be sure that the office is covered and Ill probably have some <br /> work sent borne to me, so that I don't fall far behind. <br /> brief discussion was had about the issues with MHIC and Mrs. Botsford reported that Sandra Blackman <br /> (MHIC) and try to coordinate a meeting for late May/Early June and hopefully we can all sit down face-to- <br /> face to address all of her concerns, <br /> OLD BUSINESS: <br /> BreeQ(.Acres Expansion Project; Mrs. Botsford stated that she contacted Ms. Masan about the deed for <br /> Breezy Acres. Back in 2005 the housing authority requested that the town approve a change to the deed, <br /> because it limited the housing authority to only the six units that are currently on the site. Mrs. Botsford <br /> has not heard back from Ms. Mason and will pursue the matter some more, as this would need to be <br /> resolved before construction Marts. The IFP is just about ready to advertise—it should go into papers in <br /> June. Mr. Harsch asked if we'd heard anything from Ms. Mason about the request for affordable housing <br /> inventory information and Ms. Botsford responded that we had not. <br /> NEW BUSINESS: <br /> Mr. Halpern shared with the board that the M shpee Planning Board heard a proposal from 11 illowbend � <br /> regarding developing 40 units of housing. The developer has offered $1,000 per unit 40,000towards <br /> affordable housing as part of the proposal. It was suggested that Mrs. Botsford get in touch with Torn <br /> o'Hara, Chairman of the Planning Board, to discuss the mechanism for the housing authority to receive <br /> i <br /> the money. Mrs. Botsford will follow up on this. � <br /> OTHER BUSINESS: <br /> CPA (Community Preservation Act update/RepQrt from liaison: Mr. Halpern gave the board a brief <br /> update. <br /> COMMUNICATIONS/ O ESPONDE E: Mrs. Botsford provided the board with a copy of the letter <br /> from MHFA MassHousing regarding their review scheduled for Wednesday, May 27. <br /> The next regular meeting is scheduled for Thursday, June 11, 2009 at the Horneyer Village Corn r on <br /> Room. The meeting next month will start at 6:15 PM A motion was made by Nis.Allen and <br /> seconded by Mr. Laporte to adjourn. The motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 6;25 <br /> P.M. <br /> Respectful su mitt <br /> Lil tsford, retary <br /> utie irecto <br /> i <br /> -2 - <br />