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i <br /> document and forwarded her revisions to Sheldon Gilbert. After reviewing the revised document <br /> in full, with additional suggestions from the committee, the committee agreed to accept the <br /> revised version of the overview for inclusion in the grant application package. <br /> MEETING WITH,JOYCE MASON <br /> Sheldon Gilbert reported on his meeting with Joyce Mason to discuss the grant application and <br /> proposes!budget. Joyce was not surprised at the budget figure, and inquired as to whether the <br /> committee would be asking the Town for more money. Joyce reminded Sheldon of the <br /> importance sof keeping the selectmen informed about the progress of the library program, <br /> Sheldon Gilbert assured.Joyce that the committee would not be requesting additional funds <br /> beyond the$3.5 million already approved. <br /> BOARD of SEL CTMEN"s MEETING-02107/05 <br /> Sheldon Gilbert distributed, for LBC review, copies of a draft of his planned remarks to the Board <br /> of Selectmen at their meeting on 2107/05. The committee concurred that the focus of his remarks <br /> s <br /> should be on the grant application. The emphasis should be on an explanation of the increase in <br /> the proposed budget, mandated by state requirements for the grant, which is needed to go <br /> forward. The point will be stressed that the LBc will not ask for more money from the Town. <br /> Sheldon will present a package to the Selectmen ahead of the meeting n the 7t'that will include. <br /> his summary, the overview document, and schematics of the four elevations, as well as first and <br /> second floor plans. <br /> FUND.RAISING <br /> The fundraising goal is$1,700,000. Fundraising categories include the following: <br /> Private donations, 9001000 <br /> Business donations: $ 5509000 <br /> Foundation grants: 250,000 <br /> An additional amount will be programmed later <br /> Miscellaneous: 100,000 <br /> Should we get a state grant, the architect has in his contract provision for three things: plans, <br /> specifications, and bidding documents, for a total cost of$268}000. At the time of construction, <br /> we must have in hard at least$180,000 in cash, together with$0,5W in.. remaining Town funds. <br /> We will be required to have$1,200,000 in pledges and cash for the funds required to pay for the <br /> construction contract sof the successful bidder. In order to satisfy the requirements of the Town, <br /> we should have pledges and cash that are equal to the$800,000 of the$1,200,000 total needed, <br /> based on the probable costs for the project. We should also be able to identify the likely <br /> sources for donations for the remaining$400,000 needed to finance construction, <br /> Naming Fights. Sheldon Gilbert stated that it is critical that obtained from the <br /> Town regarding raring rights and their limitations, before promising naming rights to prospective <br /> donors. Sheldon will obtain a copy of these guidelines from Bud Abbott and forward on to the <br /> Fundraising subcommittee chairmen. <br /> Fundraising Subcommittee Report -Daviid Burton. Dave stated that he had met with Ted <br /> adolny two weeks ago. Ted reported$62#000 in cash in the two Friends}b nk accounts, plus <br /> $11,000 here. The Friends have a fairly solvent operating account and are prepared to put <br /> another$10,000 into the process. Since the last LBC meeting, two business pledges have been <br /> received, each for$25,000. One is from Foster Burton Real Estate; the other is from the Thoma <br /> J. O'Neill Architects firm. <br /> Donations are still corning in as a result of the Friends' letter seat out in '04. A thank you letter is <br /> now in place for timely mailing out to these donors. David also reported that Clancy Stafford has <br /> obtained software for a newsletter from the Friends_ The purpose c f the newsletter would be to <br />
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