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1- <br /> Stere stated that the company in New Hampshire that does DX system installation would want to <br /> do a heat load calculation on the building, based'ori the preliminary plans for vVindows, etc. His <br /> charge for the heat load calculation would be$350. The other company did a ball park estimate <br /> based on square footage of the new library. Both Haverhill and North Adams libraries opted for <br /> thewater-based system. Mainten nce for the water system is higher than the DX Steve will <br /> provide a report on each system as to how they work, the cots involved, the savings that could <br /> be realized, etc. Steve would like to get a heat load calculation to assist in the decision making <br /> process as to which system is most advantageous. The Town may have funds available for this. <br /> Stere also needs floor plans with dimensions of freight and width from the outside corners of the <br /> building to send out for cost estimates. <br /> Steve is looking into the use of solar roof shingles, in place of asphalt shingles. The solar <br /> shingles replace solar panels. .lane Dolan is working on the preparation of a planning grant to <br /> the Kresge Foundation that would reimburse the LSC for additional reports and tests needed for <br /> these special options. <br /> Wastewater a er Disposal. John Rent stated that M.ashpee Commons is maxed-out at the moment, <br /> but has applied for an increased wastewater discharge permit. John will figure out what the cost <br /> would be to the library if the building would be hoofed into the Commons septic system. The <br /> LBC also needs to determine what the cost would be for a separate septic system for the new <br /> library.A preliminary estimate was approximately$7,'000 per year. <br /> FI.1NO Alstl —Dave Burton/Tom O'Neill <br /> Torn O'Neill stated that Martha Moore, AGM,M, had prepared a two-page spread sheet for all <br /> foundation grants being applied for. The grants are specific to construction and illy. libraries. <br /> Torn stated-that Martha is encouraging yrs to "think big". Torn and Martha are currently working <br /> on 13 grants, each for over$1,000,000. Some grants are specific to Barnstable County. Martha <br /> feels very positive about our chances of receiving some large grants. <br /> Georgianna (from Woods Hole) is writing the grants, with coaching from Martha as to the best <br /> phraseology to use. Torn stated that by May,.there should be feedback coming in from some of <br /> the grants being applied for. <br /> Dave Burton announced that Melinda Gallant has prepared a comprehensive fundraising <br /> proposal for the LBC. The proposal was distributed to the members. The Library Trustees have <br /> reacted favorably to her proposal. It will now be taken to the Board of the Friends of the Library <br /> for their approval. The Board will be paging for Melinda's fundraising consultant fees. Melinda is <br /> scheduled to begin her services on April' I . Dave Burton stated that he feels strongly that <br /> Melinda will help the Library family to achieve its fundraising goals. She sits on the Cape Cod <br /> Five charitable Board, and is also a good Mend of Janice Wofford's. In other words, Melinda is <br /> well connected" and will be a definite.asset in our efforts to tell the story of the new library to the <br /> community. It-Was agreed that Melinda would work on a trial basis for three months, and will <br /> continue if the Library family is pleased with her accomplishments. It was felt that Melinda's <br /> efforts will dovetail very nicely with the foundation grant effort. she will use Daae Burton's office <br /> space for her headquarters. <br /> Sheldon Gilbert stated that the fundraising plan would be revised and updated at a future date to <br /> reflect the new initiatives discussed by David and Torr.. <br /> Dere Burton announced that the Friends of the Mashpee Library website is up and running. <br /> Nancy Stafford is developing a printed Newsletter which w1ill be online as well. She hopes to <br /> have an issue out in late April. <br /> 2 <br /> N <br />