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awareness of the need for a new library, and educate therm in the process on why a new library is <br /> crucial to Mashpee. , <br /> Melinda, David, and Torn are going to put together a list of contact opportunities of people who <br /> are interested in being,donors. Included in the list is the Cape cod Five, whose Foundation <br /> Board is looking for projects to donate funds to buy items. A list of special events is planned, <br /> including a theatrical event at Christ the Fling C hurch, during the summer months. Melinda plans <br /> to tap into donor resources available from the summer residents In New Seabury, appealing to <br /> their generosity. Melinda plans collaborative efforts with other non-profit agencies. She meets <br /> with Ted Nadoiny and Toni O'Neill next week,, and has scheduled weekly meetings with Dave <br /> Burton. She is putting together a spread sheet of her plans for the fund raising effort. <br /> Sheldon Gilbert added the following comments. The state grant announcement is scheduled for <br /> July 7. This is the second major cog in our fundraising effort which could amount to$2.5 IIID if the <br /> State awards a grant or puts us on a waiting list. The Town has already committed to$3.5 <br /> million. For us to move forward with authorization for plans and specifications at least by . <br /> September, we have to be able to demonstrate that we have money or commitments substantial <br /> enough that the Town is satisfied to borrow money to let us proceed with architectural plans and <br /> specifications. Major efforts are uin erway to apply for sizable grants from specific foundations <br /> that provide construction and other funding for libraries. Hopefully%Wthirn the next couple of <br /> weeks, a series of grant foundation requests will go forward simultaneously. <br /> Sheldon's one suggestion to Melinda was to Identify, in her'process, some shorter terra major <br /> contributions to get us over that first hurdle so that we can move ahead with development of <br /> plans and specifications by September. <br /> Sheldon stated that our fundraising goal is$1.7 million. Roughly$500,000 of that is for library <br /> furnishings, which means that$1.2 million is our immediate need. If we get$700,000 to <br /> $800,000 in cash and/or pledges, we can go to the Town in September to request approval to <br /> proceed with the architectural plans and specs. <br /> Torn O'Neill. Tom reported that Martha Moore is spending a lot of time on preparation of the <br /> grant applications. She is working on 7 grants and 2 technolog.y grants, a total of 9 grants <br /> altogether. Torr feels very confident that we are going to generate big dollars out of these grants, <br /> and will get full funding from there. 11e should start to hear from the grants, either positive or <br /> negative, within the next 60 days. <br /> Selectman John cahalarne suggested that we contact Cape Light Con ctf rfno gage a cash- <br /> award <br /> ashavwrard to Eastharrt. Jane Dolan will contact cape bight Compact to follow up on this lead. <br /> ENERGY Y PLAN I FOUNDATION CRAFT APPLICATION -.lame Dolan <br /> Jane Dolan reported that she has come to a point with the Free-grant application where she is <br /> as far as she can go. She sent out a rough draft to a few select individuals for their review and <br /> comments. She subsequently received further information from Stewart Roberts for the <br /> application, and sent the application out again for review. Further information from Mr. Roberts is <br /> still required. She also needs a corer letter signed by a senior administrative officer and Board <br /> chairperson, briefly describing the grant request and plans. The question was raised as to who <br /> that person should be. David Burton will draft a letter, as President of the Library Trustees. Jane <br /> also needs a list of the governing Board members, with their professional and voluntary <br /> affiliations, a list of the Library Building Corrimittee, and a copy of the most recent audited <br /> financial statement Friends of the Ubra'ry financial statement for inclusion in the grant <br /> application. <br /> GEOTHERMAL SYSTEM REPORT—.lane Dolan for Stere Cook <br /> In Stere Cool's absence, Jane reported that Stere had called someone in New Hampshire and <br /> had gotten some financial inforrrn tion from a well driller who has Installed a lot of wells for <br />
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