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r ' <br /> (coordinator's Deport, cont'd) <br /> Services is reaching out to the Mashpee residents. To this end, Ms. Walford suggested that it <br /> would be helpful if the Coordinator's monthly reports could begin to reflect this information. Gail <br /> Wilson agreed that she will rake a concerted effort to quantify in greater detail her monthly <br /> reports. <br /> Jim Long commented that the monthly departmental reports submitted to the Town Manager are <br /> extremely helpful in enlightening all departments as to the extent of each of the departmental <br /> activities. <br /> Gail Wilson reported that she and Fruth Elias are meeting with Ray Tornasi on Friday, March 2, at <br /> 10 Ai to discuss the issue of reports from the Police Department that calls to Gosnold for <br /> placement are constantly told there are"no beds available". Ms. Wilson stated that they w)"ll also <br /> he discussing the Pocassct issue. <br /> Jim Long suggested holding an open meeting, perhaps at the Senior center, inviting the public to <br /> attend to learn more about the role of the Human Services Department in Mashpee, and the vast <br /> resources available to Mashpee residents} with informational brochures available. Mass. Health <br /> and insurance company representatives could be invited, as well. This kind of program would <br /> give added visibility to the importance of the Human Services Department. <br /> Gail Filson reported on a meeting she attended at a Violence Prevention Team meeting at the <br /> high school, where the issue of Facebook and bullying was discussed. Gail Wilson stated that <br /> this is a huge issue at the high school, and she has come across it in her office as well. <br /> Gail Wilson announced that Eda Stepper will be starting in two weeks to volunteer her services at <br /> the Coordinator's office on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 9 AM to 11 AM. <br /> Update on Status of Article for 11i'lay Town Meeting <br /> Janice Walford stated that she met with Joyce Mason who stressed the importance of carefully <br /> documenting the need for a multipurpose building to include Human Services. Documentation <br /> would need to include what Human services is offering to the community, the numbers and <br /> services offered and ghat contract providers are doing for Mashpee, and whether they would in <br /> fact like to have office time at this multipurpose building. <br /> ,Janice Watford stated that she had asked the Human Services Council what they thought of the <br /> idea of a multipurpose building, and got a very poor response. At this moment, the article is <br /> roving forward. Human Services would have to appear before the Board of Selectmen and the <br /> Finance Committee for approval of the article, and if approved, it would then go before Town <br /> Meeting for approval. <br /> Jim Long stated that Mashpee is a town of 15,000 people who need to assess the Human <br /> Services system and how to improve it. The proposed article is a start. <br /> Discussion followed about the wording of the article as it now stands. ,Janice Walford will rework <br /> the wording of the Explanation section of the article to reflect the committee's decision to <br /> eliminate reference to a multi-purpose building. The explanation will now make the case for <br /> funding a professional assessment of the human service needs of the Mashpee community, <br /> 2 <br />