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Y <br /> as possible, and only as a last resort. Thus, several relatively high cost <br /> administrative positions are to he eliminated. <br /> . where positions are eliminated, the School Committee fully expects that work <br /> will be re-prioritized and lesser value activities will be eliminated. The <br /> Committee does not expect remaining staff to carry the full workload four positions <br /> that are eliminated. The committee directs the superintendent to identify <br /> specific priorities for each area and to come forward with a list of lesser value <br /> activities to be dropped for discussion with the Committee. <br /> . The School Committee intends to delay all curriculum changes that require the <br /> purchase of new textbooks and/or other instructional materials for at least the next <br /> 12 months. The administration should'ealculate the potential for cost savings <br /> given this direction and report to the School Committee on potential savings. <br /> . As previously stated, the School Committee intends to curtail to the greatest <br /> extent possible all external professional development activities for the next twelve <br /> months. <br /> Mrs. Grady stated she would set up a meeting with the Mashpee Teachers <br /> Association in the next week or so. <br /> The committee is looking at the following budget cuts: <br /> A transportation fee for students for busses at 1 per student per day. Ms. Lugo <br /> will get the exact amount of students riding the bus. The committee anticipates a <br /> savings of$150,000. <br /> • Eliminate 3.3% of school expense lure items. The committee expects a projected <br /> savings of$55,000. <br /> • Reduce professional development spending. Projected savings $20,000. <br /> Elimination of math coaches. Projected savings $60,000. <br /> • Elimination of one custodial position. Projected savings $25,000. <br /> 0 Elimination of Math and English Department Leads. Projected savings $9,000. <br /> 0 Elimination of one elementary librarian position. Projected savings $55,000. <br /> 0 Elimination of assistant principal positions at Quashnet (projected savings of <br /> $88,000) and Coombs School (projected savings of$79,000). <br /> o Elimination of both housemaster positions at the high school and creation of one <br /> new assistant principal position. Projected savings $86,000. <br /> School Committee Regular Minutes 4/2/08 <br />