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I <br /> Page 2 <br /> agree that the Town would lose credibility with a slight negative, <br /> He felt the Town should be realistic rather than overly <br /> conservative. <br /> It was Mr, Baileyfs suggestion that a Finance Committee member sit <br /> in on budget sessions. It is difficult to come in after the many <br /> months of work and make suggestions. Mr. Bailey said it would be <br /> helpful to have someone there from the start. Mr. Bailey does not <br /> consider himself to be a policy maker. Mr, Greig mentioned that it <br /> was the Board of Assessor's responsibility to sign the first page <br /> of the Recap. Mr . Bailey suggested that he did not think twice <br /> about the estimated $1,8 million for local, receipts, Ms, <br /> ommelmeyer told the Finance Committee that they had received the <br /> new budget package from the Executive Secretary and it lists new <br /> revenue at $ million, <br /> Ms. King explained that it was her belief that at this Town meeting <br /> the Finance Committee would like to move money out of Stabilization <br /> to lower the tax rate. Mr. Golub recommended that the Finance <br /> Committee get together at an earlier time to help set finances. <br /> Mr, Goggin suggested they speak to the Executive Secretary, Mr, <br /> Bailey stated that this work is work that has to be dome. Mr. <br /> Goggin inquired about the outside CPAs. He asked if there was <br /> anything unusual in their audit Ms. Rommelmeyer answered that the <br /> Town was in tip top condition as usual. <br /> Mr. Bacigalupi asked about the tax impact on the community caused <br /> by the flumes Mr. Greig strongly urged anyone to sit down with <br /> Dave Bailey to see how an assessment i s done. Mr. Bacigalupi felt <br /> that with the plumes affecting certain areas this has caused <br /> property to decrease in value, Mr. Bacigalupi wanted to know the <br /> financial impact on the Town's How much has Mashpee been losing <br /> since the plumes have been discovered? Mr. Greig explained that it <br /> would be very difficult to give Mr. Bacigalupi that information but <br /> would like to have Mr. Bacigalupi come into the office and he would <br /> provide any helpful information that he could. <br /> School. <br /> Ms. King explained that Dr. DeMoura is looking for a $8.9 million <br /> dollar budget. Certain members of the School. Committee, Ms. King <br /> explained, stated that he needed to cut $400,000 from the budget. <br /> Ms. King felt that he needed to cut more than that. Mr-. Bacigalupi <br /> provided the enrollment figures for the Committee's review. Mr. <br /> Goggin suggested that Mr. Bacigalupi get this information into the <br /> newspaper with the actual papulation growth or decline in Mahpee. <br /> . Bacigalupi will draft and bring to the next scheduled meeting, <br /> Capital Improvement Committee <br /> Mr. Golub informed the Committee that they had met and discussed <br /> the DPW, Library and Fire Department. All three departments are <br />