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r <br /> Page <br /> looking for a significant number of dollars. Mr. Golub explained <br /> that the Committee had not core to any consensus but will hear <br /> everyone throughout. Ms. King mentioned that Dr. DeMour has <br /> $25,000 'n the CIP for computers and this is also requested in his <br /> budget. <br /> MMA Conference <br /> Ms. King mentioned that there'was a whole section of the conference <br /> dedicated to the CI . M . Bacigalupi felt that the CIP process <br /> started late, The CIP requests are dine into the Town in September <br /> not November or December. He would lice to see that this process <br /> comply with the By-Law. <br /> Request for Reserve Fund Transfers <br /> The Committee agreed that they would need to vote on the request <br /> from the Board of Health which requests funds to corer the cost of <br /> providing public water to the last nine remaining houses in the <br /> Horse shoebend/Tritown Circle area. Ms. King mentioned that she had <br /> spoken to Ed Baker, Water District and Deirdre Greelish, Nater <br /> District regarding this problem. She explained that Mr. Baker <br /> feels the Town should pay for it. - she also explained that if and <br /> when the Town is reimbursed the money would go to the Nater <br /> District, Ms. King's opinion was that the theres no liability to <br /> the Town to pay for this. she entertained a Motion to deny this <br /> request. Mr. Golub Motioned to deny this request. Mr. Gallo <br /> seconded the Motion, Mr, Bacigalupi stated that he agreed to deny, <br /> due to the fact that when Briarood was faced with the same problem <br /> the homeowners did not receive any financial help. Mr, Bacigalupi <br /> felt that this should go to Town Meeting in the form of an article <br /> for betterments for Town Meeting approval. The Committee voted 6-0 <br /> in denial of this request by the Board of Health. Mike Kumin <br /> abstained from the vote. <br /> The second request was from the School Department requesting $6,000 <br /> be placed in the Medicaid Reimbursement Account to compensate <br /> contractors for the processing of Medicaid Reimbursement requests. <br /> Where were questions as to why this was not in the school budget. <br /> Ms. King said that she would contact Diane Rommelmeyer and ask the <br /> best place to beep this money. Would it be beneficial to have it <br /> placed within the school budget or keep it outside of it Mr. <br /> Bacigalupi Motioned to approve this transfer request. Mr. Gallo <br /> seconded the Motion and members approved 7-0. <br /> Articles on Warrant <br /> The Committee received a budget calendar from Mr. Whritenour. The <br /> secretary was asked to look up the stabilization Article for the <br /> next meeting,, The Committee would be transferring monies from Free <br /> cash into Stabilization at the Special Town Meeting. <br />