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6/11/1996 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
6/11/1996 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
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Page 3 <br /> filtration units for all 40 homes on a temporary basis, plus <br /> bottled water. The request is for approximately $31, 000 . Mr. <br /> Chr 's Tufts, who is the homeowner of one of' the contaminated wells, <br /> was present on behalf of the neighborhood and acted as <br /> spokesperson. Be informed the Finance Committee that the <br /> neighborhood wished for three things to happen: 1 . every home <br /> receive filtration units on a temporr basis' 2 . a more permanent <br /> solution of having Town water come. down their -streets and into <br /> their hones at no cost to. them and 3 . as a group be involved in all <br /> meetings, discussions, etc . involving this issue. They would also <br /> like all copies of all test results . Mr. Golub. responded that the <br /> Finance Committee can ,certainly vote on the transfer request, but <br /> as far as Town water goes, this is the wrong frump for that. Mr. <br /> Golub suggested that the group take that up with either the Board <br /> of Selectmen or the Water District or both. Mr. Baigalupi asked <br /> who is responsible for testing if -the filtration units are -put in <br /> the homes-, Culligan or the Town's Mr. McQuaid answered that <br /> Culligan would be responsible for testing on a weekly basis, <br /> Mr. Goggin WrIONM to support the Board of Selectmen' s <br /> recommendation to approve $31,r 240 for temporary filtration units, to <br /> be installed in all 40 homes and bottled water. Mr. Baigalupi <br /> seconded the Motion. M . McQuaid stated that if approved, the <br /> residents in the neighborhood should contact the. Board of Health so <br /> that they will be contacted by Culligan to schedule. an appointment <br /> for installation. Culligan is willing to start installing next <br /> week. Mr. McQuaid -explained that the $31, 240 is made up of the <br /> first month and installation of the filtration unit, one month of <br /> bottled water and one month of TOC testing. Mr. Golub asked that <br /> Mr. McQuaid plan to visit the Finande Cornitee again in two weks <br /> to inform theme of the remaining costs involved. Mr. McQuaid <br /> agreed. Mr. Golub called the vote.. Finance Committee approved the <br /> transfer unanimously 6-0 . <br /> Grant Process <br /> Tie. Finance Committee delegated the Chairman to respond to Cynthia <br /> Sturgis regarding the Town I s community development and the concerns <br /> r solutions to the grant process-. <br /> DPW Bidding <br /> Mr. Golub was very concerned about the bidding process. and the <br /> Department of Public Works.. There were four items that had no <br /> second bid. According to the Chairman, Mr. Whritenour was very <br /> surprised that the Town is paring 15 cents more at the pumps. Mr. <br /> Whritenour will be attending the next meeting. Mr, kumin said that <br /> it is. reprehensible that there were no letters- sent out. to <br /> companies informing them of the contracts available. Be felt that <br /> the Finance Committee should pursue this issue. Mr, Watt would be <br /> contacting Mr. Taylor t invite him to the next meeting. He would <br /> also question him about the status ofprevious State taxes. it <br />
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