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L <br /> Mr. Golub requested that a letter be sent to Arne Shaw requesting that she quantify the <br /> amount of this transfer which is being used for the teacher's lump sum payments at the <br /> end of the year. <br /> Mr. Watt made a motion to approve the bequest for Transfer <br /> From the Reserve Fund to Medicare in the amount of$5,000. <br /> Second by Mrs. Goulart. <br /> Mete: Unanimous. 5-0. Mr. Goggin not present at this time) <br /> Reciuest for Transfer From the Reserve Fund to Interest on Refunds <br /> Amount Requested: $206.68. <br /> Amount requested will be used to fund a deficit die to interest paid on refunds. <br /> Mr. Cleary made a motion to approve the Request for Transfer <br /> From the deserve Fund to Interest on refunds in the amount of$206.68. <br /> Second by Mr. watt. <br /> Vote: Unanimous. 5-0. (Mr. Goggin not present at this time) <br /> Re uest for Transfer from the:Reserve Fun[ to School-Medicare <br /> Amount Requested: $2,000. <br /> Amount requested will be used to fund the deficit for school medicare. These <br /> finds are utilized to pay for a.billing all paperwork for <br /> the medicaid billing for the School Department. <br /> Mr. Watt-made.a motion to approve the Request for Transfer <br /> From the Reserve Fund to School-Medicare in the amount <br /> f$2,000. <br /> Second by Mr. Teary. <br /> Vote: Unanimous. 5-0. fir. Goggin not present at this time <br /> Reguest for Transfer from the Reserve Fund to Veterans Benefits <br /> Amount Requested: $1,500. <br /> Amount requested will be used to cover medical bills which have been <br /> incurred by veterans. <br /> .Doreen Guild noted that the Department of Veterans' Services located in Hyannis have <br /> had more claims and more bills than they have had appropriations for. She noted that <br /> they usually have money left at the end of the year. There was discussion among the <br /> Finance Committee and Mr. whritenour regarding this expense. Mr. whritenour noted <br /> that we are reimbursed for the payments we make on the benefits. Mr. whritenour <br /> stated that they are three years'behind on these reimbursements. <br /> Mr. Teary made a motion to approve the Request for Transfer <br /> From the Reserve Fund to Veterans Benefits in the amount o <br /> $1,500. <br /> Second by Mr. Watt. <br /> Vote:Unanimous. . Mr. Goggin not present at this time) <br />