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1/13/1998 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
1/13/1998 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
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2 <br /> Obtain some photo-imaging equipment which would give the Police Department <br /> giant step forward in the booking process and in the photography aspect of <br /> photographing crime suspects. <br /> Chief Przybylek noted that all of these endeavors are major steps forward in technology in <br /> allowing the Police Department to do more,as the town continues to grow,with the sante <br /> amount of people. <br /> Chief Przybylek commented that he feels it would be a wise decision if the Finance <br /> Committee were to approve the transfer of nearly$40,000 in ltunds to obtain nearly$100,000 <br /> from the federal government and eliminate approximately$ , o in proposed appropriations <br /> from the Capital Improvement Budget. Two of the three items that are outlined in the grant <br /> are present in the FY99 F99CIlP Budget. with the finance committee" approval of this transfer, <br /> these items would be eliminated from the CIP Budget. <br /> Chairman watt questioned Chief Przybylek what.the CEP amounts were for. Chief Przybylek <br /> stated that the CIP contained 2 of the 3 components—the upgrade to the LAN and the <br /> upgrade of the mobile data terminals in the police cars. It did not contain the photo-imaging <br /> component. He noted that for the two components in the CEP,the total was$86,000. <br /> Upon questioning by members of the Finance Committee, Chief Przybylek commented that he <br /> is ging to impact the projection of the budget figure for dispatch overtime. <br /> Mrs. Goulart questioned Chief Przybylek on what exactly the$39,000 is for? Chief Przybylek <br /> stated that the Federal Government requires some matching funds. He noted that there is <br /> about$2,600 in additional local money in the$3 9,000 to provide for a second video imaging <br /> camera,a print developing unit which makes a photograph out of the image and the last item <br /> was another server station that would work to collect the data out in the field. Most of the <br /> money is the required federal match on the grant. <br /> Mr. Golub noted that he is in favor of this technology;however, he feels that the Finance <br /> Committee should get a commitment from the C.I.P. that they agree to a level of funding for <br /> this expenditure in the amount of the requested$39,000. He noted that the C.I.P. should buy <br /> into this program with a commitment to allocate a portion of its funds. He noted that the <br /> Finance Committee could Hien pre-fund the request. <br /> Mr. Kumin noted that the next C.I.P. meeting is scheduled for next Tuesday afternoon. <br /> Chief Przybylek noted that his C.I.P. request for two of the three elements totals$86,000. <br /> Chief Przybylek commented that he does not want to miss the window of time which the <br /> grant is available. Chairman Watt questioned the Chief whether he has to ask for an <br /> extension. The Chief stated that he has to request ars extension. He commented that if it <br /> looks like funding will fail, he will try to get another year from the Federal Government. <br /> Mr. Kumin stated that he can bring up the issue with the C.I.P. at their meeting next week. <br /> He said he would get their thoughts on making any kind of commitment to the$39,000. <br /> Chief Przybylek noted that the projected savings in time is 6 hours per week per officer for <br /> this installation of computer equipment. <br /> Chairman watt questioned the Chief what the exact date is for the deadline of the grant. <br /> Chief Przybylek stated that the award encs date is May 31, 1998. The Chief noted that he <br />
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