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i <br /> 2 <br /> There was discussion concerning whether the position would require 19 hours per week with <br /> no benefits or 20 hours per week including benefits. Mr. Golub noted that with 20 hours per <br /> week,they would have to include benefits which would approximately cost an additional <br /> ,P . <br /> Mr. Golub requested Nis. Shaw to find out what the other towns had for resources in their <br /> Payroll offices. <br /> Chairman watt noted that the Treasurer Salary-Elected and Treasurer Salary Wage are just a <br /> steady increase over last year,other than the Part-Time Clerk requested. In addition,Expense <br /> is the same. She noted that the Selectmen are recommending what has been requested for <br /> Debt Service Cost.. <br /> Chairman'Nutt questioned Nis. Shaw whether the item for Foreclosure is used for Attorneys. <br /> Ms. Shaw stated that it is used for Attorneys. She noted that this item doesn't go on the <br /> actual budget—it is on the Recap Sheet. <br /> Mr. Golub questioned whether Nis. Shaw has had any opportunity to look into the raising of <br /> money through sale of the property that the Town has in lien or foreclosure. Nis. Shaw stated, <br /> with the new law that has been passed,, that she has looked into this but the problem is that it <br /> is"all or nothing"with the Department of revenue Policy regulations. She stated that it <br /> would have to be all the property. She stated that she will look into this again to see if anyone <br /> has challenged this law. <br /> There was a.discussion among the Financc Committee members and Ms. Shaw regarding the <br /> budget items for.benefits--Retirement Contributions,Unemployment Insurance,Health <br /> Insurance,Life Insurance,Medicare,and Liability Insurance. <br /> Mr. Golub requested IVIS. Show to forward an updated list of the foreclosures to the Finance <br /> Cott e. Ms. Shaw stated.that she will also give the latest list of tax possessions. In <br /> addition,Nis. Shaw will get the information on staling and forward it to the Finance <br /> Committee. <br /> ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BUDGET REVIEW: <br /> Mr. Wayne Duchemin, Coordinator,Economic Development,mewed the Economic <br /> Development's budget request for FY99. <br /> . <br /> Mr. Duchemin distributed ars FYI 999 Budget Narrative for the Economic Development <br /> Program. <br /> Mr. Duchemin stated that this year would be a transition phase for the Economic <br /> Development in that it would be a part-time program going to a full-time program. <br /> Mr. Duchcmin reviewed the budget lime items. He noted that the Economic Development <br /> Part-Tinge Salary is his salary from last year plus the union increase. He stated that the <br /> Economic Development budget represents an operating budget of$15,000. <br /> Mr.Duchemin stated that he finds himself putting more time into doing clerical work rattier <br /> than getting into the program of marketing the Town of Mashpee. He noted that he has asked <br />