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PERSONNEL <br /> Fred Blythe argued that the part time.floating clerk position was not necessary in <br /> that that person eras only serving the Selectmen's Office and that Fin Cori had <br /> recommended the full time clerk position. He allowed that if the position could be <br /> justified he would be amenable to a re-vote. Wayne Taylor spoke to the fact that <br /> this position was fully justified and many requests by other departments for help <br /> had been received. Dean Arden moved to increase the recommended amount of <br /> $10,278 to the requested amount of$20,278. seconded by Carl Meredith. Mote <br /> was unanimous, -o. <br /> BOARD of APPEALS <br /> The part time salary increase was justified by the Torn Administrator. Mr. <br /> Ilhritenour stated that it was for a 6 hour per geek time increase. The person <br /> doing the job has been taking work home and completing'it without there being <br /> any funds available for compensation. Carlton Meredith mored to increase the <br /> amount initially recommended from $17x388 to $22,402, second by Jeff Arnold. <br /> Mote was unanimous, 4-0. <br /> TOWN HALL <br /> Communication line item recommended by Fin Com of$15,685 was due to the <br /> addition of a line item in the Tax Collector for postage. Past years the Tac <br /> Collector postage came out of the Town Hall communications line. Mr. <br /> I hritenour asked that the original amount not be cut because he was sure that <br /> the departmentO' 'uld end up short. clef Arnold responded that if we are to keep <br /> the full $18,000 increase in the Town Fall budget then we should revisit the Tax <br /> Collector's budget and remove the neer line of postage at $15,000. Ken Marsters <br /> asked for a number that Fin Cora could live with. It was decided that an increase <br /> of$5,000 woul be ok. Fred Blythe moved and Carlton Meredith seconded the <br /> motion to increase Fin Com recommendation to $120,685. Mote was unanimous, <br /> -o. <br /> POLICE <br /> discussion was.held by the Board of Selectmen concerning the full time <br /> dispatcher position. A motion made by Ken Marsters to keep the position, it was <br /> seconded - y Wayne Taylor. Mote was unanimous, -o. Dean Arden advised <br /> that the Fin Com'would revisit the budget t the net meeting. <br /> 1 <br />