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8/23/2007 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
8/23/2007 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
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ti <br /> i <br /> Sandra Lindsey and Mr. Darrington discussed annual inspections, citations, state intervention, <br /> and an illegal puppy mill. Ms. Lindsey also inu*red abort the number of visas that would b <br /> required each year, and the results of taking a"pro-active" stance. Currently there are nineteen <br /> (19)kennels. Mr. Harrington stated that the Board of Health wants to be more pro-active, <br /> instead of"reet to a problem on a too late basis". <br /> Chris Avis and Mr. Harrington discussed Section f) g . The Town Manager would have to <br /> approve an Agent. Mr. Harrington confirmed for Mr. Avis that he would be agreement to be <br /> named, and on the books, as the approved Agent. <br /> Chuck Gasior commented that if kennels are not"permitted",then they are"prohibited", and had <br /> concerns about effects if these Articles are adopted in October, including legal action. Mr. <br /> Harrington stated there could be overlaps,possible conflict, and Mier stated"breeding and <br /> selling animals are considered kennels in the eyes of the Board of Health". Bill Johnson <br /> expressed concern about kennel regulation as soon as possible, and noted that if kennels are not <br /> recognized a "legal",then they cannot be charged fees. Bob Hutchinson wants to be sure <br /> regulations are in place for the safety and sanitization of residences. Mr. Harrington confirmed <br /> that fees would be associated with theBy-Laws. Mr. Gasior suggested that Mr. Harsh be invited <br /> to the next meeting. <br /> Kennel and Yard,.Sal Warrants. Bill Johnson and Debi Dani addressed the issue of kennel fees, <br /> and Ms. Rami stated fees would generate approximately$350.00 per year. Mr. Johnson and Ms. <br /> Rami discussed the impact of these fees, as there was concern it could impact stf ' g, and <br /> exceed the amount of revenue received. Ms. L a i felt the impact would be mu* li al. Chuck <br /> Gasior inquired how it was possible to license an illegal kennel,and Ms. Dami responded that <br /> the only current requirement is.that even dog be tagged, with a current rabies certificate. <br /> There was discussion regarding the possibility of yard sale licenses. Ms. Dami stated the Town <br /> would receive approximately$3,200.00 per year in yard sale license revenue, and further stated <br /> she feels the licenses would keep the residents in compliance with the Bir-Daus(which would <br /> limit the number of yard sales per year,per residence). IVIS. Rami sloes not expect much of an <br /> additional burden on her department. Chuck Gasior expressed concern of the impact of a yard <br /> sale license on the Police Department. Bob Hutchinson,as liaison.,will meet with Police Chief <br /> Collins to further discuss the impact of these licenses. <br /> Historical Commission. Lee Gurney addressed the Committee and gave an overview of the <br /> proposed Historical Conunission. Ms. Gurney expressed her frustration at the numerous <br /> attempts, and continued delay of creating the Commission,and feels strongly that it is necessary' <br /> to protect the integrity of Ma hp e, especially along Route 130. Members of the Commission <br /> would be appointed by the Board of Selectmen, and overseen by the Selectmen. M . Gurney <br /> confwmed for Chuck Gasior that the Commission would not be an autonomous authority,and the <br /> Commission would be expected to present a yearly budget. Potential future costs were a concerm <br /> of Mr. Gasior(such as legal costs. Chris Avis,although supportive, expressed concern about <br /> use of the word"commission", and its authority. The enforcing authority will be the building <br /> department. <br /> ment. <br /> - <br />
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