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Time Caosule <br /> Jane Dolan reported that she approached Catherine Laurent regarding the time capsule millwork to be done. Jane said <br /> she followed-up and still has not received a response from Catherine. Jane asked: If Town doesn't proceed with the <br /> time capsule,how do we proceed since the millwork has to be done. Question: Would the Friends perhaps support this? <br /> David said if it comes to that he has a very excellent millwork candidate to recommend to do this work. <br /> Next M etxn ;._Tuesday,April 13,2010 at 7 p.m. at the Ma hpee Library building. <br /> A inurnrnen .;=Patricia Gamache motioned to adjourn the meeting;Jane Dolan seconded the motion; and it was <br /> unanimously passed. The meeting adjourned at 8 p.m. <br /> �'Vully submitted, <br /> T • <br /> Giliberh <br /> e ordin4g Secretary <br /> IA <br /> 3 <br />