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fir. Chace stated his opinion that it is a mistake to think <br /> that density is a negative concept. Density allows for <br /> community. He is trying to find a new forum of development that <br /> will benefit 1aspee. <br /> Jim Dryden, Poppones set: bade reference to the difficulty <br /> of trying to make a left-hand turn at Donna' s Lane/Deer crossing. <br /> He questioned the wisdom of building more houses in that area <br /> when traffic there is already so difficult . <br /> Mr. Chace informed the public that the State has determined <br /> there is not enough traffic at this location to warrant a traffic <br /> signal . A traffic signal is proposed in the Master Plan. <br /> Selectman Nancy Caffyn, Popponesset: stated her support of <br /> the plan based upon aesthetics. she has no objection to living <br /> in a small duster zoning. As a Selectman, she stated her <br /> bottom-line concern for the Town. At one point, consideration <br /> was made for the elimination of residential development within <br /> Mashpee in an attempt to limit the number of children being <br /> educated. she asked for a projected number of children from the <br /> proposed development . She noted that according to the analysis, <br /> over fifty 0W percent of the units are family houses. she <br /> further asked tl�e amount of tax revenue anticipated, and costs <br /> incurred by the Town for School, Police,, Fire, and DPW. <br /> 1r. Chace responded by stating a fiscal impact/market study <br /> is in the process of being prepared, including a break down of <br /> unit type. A draft has been presented to the Committee. Some of <br /> the questions presented by Selectman Caffyn will be included in <br /> the scope of services .. Impacts of the commercial development are <br /> to be included as well . <br /> Selectman Dinizio stated the Town has its own Consultant, <br /> Bob Bray,s, from the Office of Thomas J. Martin. There is an <br /> agreement that the fiscal impact study is going to be jointly <br /> scoped. Mr. Brais .is assuming fiduciary responsibility of the <br /> Town in order to insure the fiscal impact study is an accurate <br /> representation. Due to the flexible nature of the development, <br /> ent, <br /> there is a range of demographics. <br /> Linda Howard, Deer~ Crossing: Stated she is interested in <br /> meeting with the Developer separately, and asked how this 'night <br /> be arranged. she inquired if there is opposition among the <br /> Selectmen. <br /> Mr. Chace suggested a meeting could be arranged at the close <br /> f the Hearing. <br /> Selectman Hamsters clarified this to be an informational <br /> meeting, an opportunity to review the concept . He recognized the <br /> fact that some very important concerns such as environmental, <br /> water, and traffic impacts have not been addressed. He informed <br /> - - <br />