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Dr. Hastings, Mashpee Commons/Deer Crossing: Informed the <br /> Committee of speculation being made whereby discussions are <br /> expected to take place in an attempt to circumvent Torn Meeting. <br /> He asked for assurance of a Town Meeting presentation with regard <br /> to this project . <br /> Selectman Dini io assured Dr. Hastings that the proposed <br /> change in zoning could not possibly take place without Town <br /> Meeting approval . <br /> The Town Planner qualified a portion of the plan could be <br /> approved under current zoning, whitings Road/Commercial areas; <br /> the Nobs Fishing Road/Mixed Use could not. <br /> Eleanor Allsman, Deer Crossing: Asked for specification <br /> of the term used, "smaller lots„ ” as opposed to two acre lots. <br /> Mr. Storrs explained the plan seeks as much flexibility a <br /> possible. The smallest lot would be approximately eight thousand <br /> (8, 000) square feet; with a range of up to approximately fifteen <br /> thousand (15, 000) square feet. <br /> Mr. Storrs then stated the smallest lot could be as low as <br /> five thousand (5, 000) square feet. <br /> Selectman Dinii.o calculated a possible eight houses t <br /> an acre on some of the blocks. <br /> Gloria Dubey, Deer Crossing: Asked if lot sizes would be <br /> shown specifically on the proposed plan. <br /> Mr. Storrs answered, "specifically. " A minimum lot size, <br /> maximum number of housing unite, and a clear definition of open <br /> Space area will be proposed. <br /> Joe O'Brien, Deer Crossing: Inquired as to density numbers <br /> at 400, 300 and Zoo houses in the area; and total acreage for <br /> houses. He also asked about entrance and exit locations. He <br /> further asked if there are any pr posals for a roadway through <br /> Deer Crossing. <br /> When Selectman Dini io asked what his feelings would be with <br /> regard to a proposed roadway, Mr. O'Brien answered, "I would say. <br /> I wou l do' t be in favor of it. " <br /> Mr. Storrs stated the proposed master plan indicates a <br /> potential for Market Street to continue directly into Deer <br /> Crossing. The decision in this regard would be made between <br /> the Town and Deer Crossing. <br /> Mr. O'Brien made reference to a neighboring development <br /> requiring two exits, making it necessary to join Deer Crossing <br /> on one side. <br /> -2- <br />