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Appropriate parking being required under zoning. <br /> selectman Dini. io inquired what Mr. Brais specifically <br /> required from Mashpee Commons in order to proceed. <br /> Mr. Storrs was insistent to explain "optimum" as it relates <br /> to the market study, stating the developer inquired ofZimmerman- <br /> Volk the interpretation of the market of a proposed four hundred <br /> 400 units in Mashpee Commons by way of a breakdown. The <br /> developer is in receipt of detailed comments received from Mr. <br /> Brais, which have been in turn submitted to Zimmerman-Volk. <br /> conference call is scheduled for October , 1997, for the purpose <br /> of clarification and response to comments raised to date. A <br /> final report should then be forthcoming. <br /> Mr. Brais asked if the topic of an alternative scenario <br /> Lower~ prices, different mix, with fewer retirees and vacation <br /> homes, and a larger percentage of moderately priced single family <br /> homes), would be addressed as a possible future. Nor. Brai. <br /> pointed out how the pricing of units would effect the <br /> demographics of the residents; and that lower~ priced homes <br /> produce fewer taxes for the Town. Mr. Brais stated this to be a <br /> reasonable request in order for the Town and Consultant to agree <br /> r disagree with the findings. If there is disagreement, perhaps <br /> the Town/Consultant could become directly involved in stating <br /> conditions to be analyzed in the fiscal analysis . <br /> Mr. Brais reminded Mr. Storrs that it has been stated <br /> several times during the course of various meetings that this <br /> project is flexible and that the distant future is to be taken <br /> into consideration. The Town, its Representatives, and its <br /> Advisor feel it is incumbent upon the decision making process to <br /> recognize that there may be an outcome of the project which is <br /> different and less of a fiscal benefit to the Town than what is <br /> being presented. The request is for a reasonable outcome that is <br /> less than the developer' s preferred/expected outcome. <br /> Selectman Dinizio explained the original scope of services <br /> was to have been completed by Mr. Brais ' firm, Mashpee Commons <br /> began a marketing study last serner, and requested it be removed <br /> from the scope of services. The Town agreed, with the <br /> understanding they would have the opportunity to review it. At <br /> this point, due to the fact there are so many questions, the Town <br /> is requesting Mashpee Commons grant thea the opportunity to <br /> assist in molding the revised product into a form that suits the <br /> questions being raised by the Town. <br /> Selectman 1arstrs suggested Mashpee Commons re-examine the <br /> results provided by their experts, as the prices/ranges 'are so <br /> high. An agreement needs to be reached with regard to the market <br /> study in order to move forward. <br /> Selectman Di.niio requested two ranges be provided, with a <br />