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ashpee Commons will be made, depending upon determinations Dade <br /> by the Consultant. He stated the May Town meeting date to be a <br /> reasonable, general goal at this point. However, a Special Town <br /> meeting at any point, for the purpose of changing the zoning in <br /> this ratter is a possibility. The process/procedure endorsed by <br /> all parties in this matter is key. <br /> Mr. Storrs reported the Kramer and Tischler studies are <br /> underway; Mr. Tischler has met with Mashpee Cor non.s <br /> representatives in ashpe ; background data has been provided t <br /> both agencies; some aspects interviews of Mr. Tischler' s <br /> resporsibilities cannot be conducted until such time as certain <br /> various studies have been completed for his information. <br /> ation. <br /> The Chairman requested. r. Brais review the three scenarios <br /> necessary for fiscal impact. Nor. Brais replied, there are <br /> alternative scenarios on residential build out. The Committee <br /> considers the Zimmerman/Volk Study to be the high range of <br /> potential outcomes; a draft alternative residential scenario; and <br /> j a base line scenario by right . <br /> Mr. Storrs indicated his confidence that information would <br /> be produced, assessed and articulated to the voters by may. <br /> Mr. Brais introduced the subject of market research, which <br /> he conducted to aid in establishing the alternative residential <br /> scenario. He stated that he and the Committee had substantial <br /> questions upon review of the original residential market stud`, <br /> as to whether or not it accurately reflected a reasonable range. <br /> This being a long range project that may be on-going for the next <br /> twenty o years. The outcome projected by the Zimmerman/Volk <br /> Study is considered to be only one of several possibilities . It <br /> was therefor~ the opinion of the Committee that an alternative <br /> residential scenario, reflecting a reasonable/lower market <br /> response be provided by Mashpee Commons. <br /> Mr. Brais made reference to the information at hand (his <br /> Memorandum) explaining it is not to be considered a full <br /> residential market study in the traditional sense. The resources <br /> incorporated into it were twenty-five to thirty (25W to o <br /> percent of theZimmerman/Volk suggested amount. Also, the <br /> .information is to be considered a draft, presented for comment <br /> and review by the Committee and Mashpee Commons representatives. <br /> The draft report consists of explanation, information and <br /> Tables, some of which reflect a reasonable mix of units indicated <br /> by price, size and absorption pace. Also included is an Appendix <br /> containing comparable housing from 1 'ashpe. <br /> Tale 1 . - Basic demographic facts, ashpee-Barnstable <br /> County. Population on cape Cod has escalated and is projected to <br /> continue to increase at a strong pace (projected at an increase <br /> of about 25, 000 people from the 1990 level by the year 2000) . <br /> - - <br />