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the three scenarios in parallel and assess the issue of range <br /> upon the outcome of the impact studies. <br /> r. Storrs pointed out the two red flag categories he would <br /> request be re-assessed are the numbers and values within the low- <br /> range singles. He also suggested consolidating and determining <br /> the types within said categories. (Mr. Brais agreed. ) <br /> Mr. Fudala requested the matters of the ten 1 percent <br /> affordable be indicated, and a determination be made on <br /> the one hundred (1 00) units . <br /> After lengthy discussion regarding the presently permitted <br /> one hundred (100) units, .it was agreed to remove said one hundred <br /> units and the commercial buildings permitted by the Board of <br /> Appeals in 1985 from the study in an attempt to accurately inform <br /> the Townspeople of the proposed change in zoning impacts. <br /> Selectman Rini io expressed concern for informing the <br /> Townspeople of the situation regarding what is permitted, the <br /> reality of the one hundred (100) units. <br /> Mr. Whritenour suggested the permitted units could be key to <br /> the whole project, stating it would be unfair to include what has <br /> already been permitted as impacts acts of the proposed zoning change. <br /> Although, it may prove beneficial to include what is currently <br /> permitted as the measure of critical mass needed to male the <br /> project work (the 100 units plus another number) . <br /> Mr. Chace indicated he would be comfortable with whatever <br /> the Committee decided in this regard. <br /> Mr. Bais reminded the committee of the Description of the <br /> Project, which will be used to inform the Townspeople of what i <br /> being proposed. "A total of 500 units, 100 of those having <br /> already been permitted, a request to add 400 units being <br /> proposed, indicating fiscal impacts of the 400 units with traffic <br /> and environmental as follows. . . " <br /> Mr. Chace stated he had originally arequested between two <br /> hundred (20 0) and four hundred (400) , the Committee chose the <br /> Larger number to assess impacts. He stated he is unsure as to <br /> whether or not the maximum number~ of units would ever be built. <br /> He is requesting the right to build a mixed use if there is a <br /> markt demand. <br /> Mr. Whritenour stated the negative responses he has received <br /> involve the "up to', numbers. He suggested Mashpee Commons <br /> request a number specific. <br /> Review-First Draft Commercial Study <br /> Mr. Storrs provided codes of a draft Market Study, dated <br /> December 15, 1997, prepared by Anita Kramer Associates . Request <br /> -8- <br />