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that the committee would be in agreement with the concepts of <br /> moving the Commercial Center forward, that the Town Planner and <br /> Selectman l arsters would represent the Article, , and that it would <br /> be well received by the Selectmen. <br /> Selectman Marsters recognized Mr. Baker, who stated for the <br /> Record: ni would like to express my concern about moving forward <br /> with any development changes at this point in tine. . .at the <br /> spring Town Meeting. We were suppose to have informational <br /> meetings with the people. Maybe they will happen someday, but <br /> they didn' t happen, because we were suppose to have the results <br /> of these analyses in February to spend some time looking at the <br /> thing and what the impacts were. And in my humble opinion, there <br /> is not enough time to end up getting the review information out <br /> to the Townspeople so they can make an intelligent Grote o <br /> anything. And I would humbly suggest that the Board of Selectmen <br /> have a responsibility to the taxpayers and voters of this Town <br /> from being presented with a zoning change where there has not <br /> been sufficient inaudible of the impacts . I know the Water <br /> District is impacted by these changes. I haven' t been able t <br /> find any evidence that the water District has been consulted, or <br /> that the Water District on their own has attempted to determine <br /> what the .impact is . To make changes to allow this activity to go <br /> forward should go before a State review kind of activity. With <br /> this short amount of time, I think it would be totally unfair to <br /> the taxpayers. Thank-you. " <br /> Mr. Chace responded by stating the Conunercial Center Bylaw <br /> deals primarily with dimensional issues relating to the <br /> development of existing -1 spaces . No use changes are being <br /> requested. The changes being proposed., with the assistance of <br /> the Town Planner, help to produce the type of development that <br /> currently exists at lashpee commons. If the changes are delayed, <br /> the commercial districts in Mashpee wi <br />