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piece of land over the existing zoning- -they are purely <br /> dimensional changes, which is the reason it is being brought <br /> forward at this time. The other Bylaw does have Town potential <br /> impact and is scheduled for discussion In October in order to <br /> allow more time to address those issues . <br /> At this point selectman Masters requested discussion be <br /> focused on the Commercial Center Zoning Bylaw. <br /> Mr. Baker stated his concern is that he has been attending <br /> wastershed Meetings where it has been rade clear that one of the <br /> largest problems, in addition to wastewater, is a loss of <br /> vegetated surfaces in connection with any type of development . <br /> Nor. Baker further stated his belief there are issues of <br /> impact in connection with what is being proposed, furthered b <br /> allowing the Planning Board the right to modify requirements. He <br /> suggested the Town concentrate on a Bylaw that would stipulate a <br /> certain number of lots should be rendered non-vegetated; and that <br /> neither the Planning Board nor zoning Board of Appeals be allowed <br /> to modify requirements . <br /> John Ferguson stated Nor. Baker' s comments should not be <br /> addressed by this Committee as they are beyond the Committee' s <br /> scope. <br /> Mr. Baler clarified he was not suggesting this Committee to <br /> do so, but rather for the watershed Committee. He did suggest <br /> however, that this Committee be made aware of what is going on in <br /> other Committees . <br /> Discussion-Commercial Center Zoning Amendment <br /> Selectman l arsters then recognized Mr. Fudala, who made <br /> reference to page -4- of the document entitled, Commercial Center <br /> Zoning Amendment Draft 2, dated 3/6/98, " . . . the planning Board, <br /> as part of approving the Special Permit for these Commercial <br /> Centers can approve a specific schedule of dimensional controls, <br /> including setbacks, required buffer areas, frontage and lot size, <br /> but not including height or overall lot coverage. . . " a further <br /> explained the overall lot coverage by buildings is restricted <br /> within the zoning Bylaw by either twenty or twenty-five percent . <br /> There would be no additional building allowed by zoning. <br /> Mr. Fudala explained this to be an existing current Bylaw <br /> and to be the one used for the North Market Street stop & shop <br /> project . mashpee Commons is considered to be one parcel of <br /> land, which is the reason it has been laid out the way it is. <br /> This Bylaw would allow this one parcel to be split into a number <br /> of parcels that could still result in the same ]rind of <br /> development. There would be property lines in between some of <br /> the buildings that are not there now. <br />