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each structure to be located on its own lot rather than <br /> having all buildings included in one large lot, which is <br /> the current situation. The proposed Amendment wouldalso allow <br /> someone else to purchase a lot within Mashpee Commons . <br /> Selectman Marsters asked Mr. Storrs if the current forth <br /> Market Street area, as developed, is one singular lot, to which <br /> Mr. Storrs replied, "yes" . Mr. Storrs further explained the <br /> proposed Bylaw, if approved, .would enable the sale of individual <br /> lots/properties, provided however, said properties were connected <br /> to a wastewater treatment plant . <br /> Selectman Marsters recognized Mr. Cragwell, whose opinion it <br /> is that Mashpee Commons is in this business for one reason and <br /> that is prof it/money. Be explained this is what the Townspeople <br /> "don' t like" . <br /> Mr. Cragwell continued by stating the Townspeople are <br /> looking toward the Town Fathers for protection. Be commented <br /> MCLP is attempting to sell this Committee and the Town some <br /> goods. If the Town officials recommend approval of these <br /> proposed Bylaws, the Townspeople should support it. <br /> Mr. Cragwell stated a major concern of his is the long range <br /> environmental ,impacts, which is the reason he is advising the <br /> 'down take its time to analyze the total environmental impacts <br /> upon the beautiful, pristine, country }mown as the Town of <br /> Mashpee. Be further suggested negotiations should be made slowly <br /> and in the best interest of the future of the Town, without <br /> taking the issue of profit into consideration. <br /> Mr. Storrs responded by taking exception to the previous <br /> speaker' s statement that MCLP is only in this for profit . He <br /> stated if that were to be the case, the project would have been <br /> built out under existing zoning years ago. Mr. Storrs expressed <br /> his hope that no one believes MCLP is proposing this project <br /> purely for profit. He stated they are in Mashpee in order t <br /> perform the best job possible for the citizens of Mashpee. <br /> Mr. Cragwell responded he would like to believe what the <br /> previous speaker had just stated, and that he is not opposed to <br /> development, but that he remains to be skeptical based upon <br /> events that have taken place in the past. <br /> Selectman Marsters concluded from the discussion so far that <br /> Ma hpee Commons currently has the ability to develop a large <br /> parcel of Land., but they cannot sell it. What they are currently <br /> attempting to do is to sell off smaller parcels of the whole <br /> while maintaining the same amount of developable space upon the <br /> property. <br /> Mr. Storrs agreed that the comments made by the previous <br /> speaker~ addresses a portion of the Bylaw Amendments. Mr. Storrs <br />